How to embed images with the Email


New Member
How can I embed images so that they are not required to be downloaded, but part of the email body. This is a feature that our customers prefer to have.

I was reading that there would be in the CKeditor option to select embed images under Extend/Extensions, but do not seem to have this option on the latest MailWizz
@Jukkis - That's doable.
You have to enable the feature from /backend/index.php/settings/customers/campaigns (or group settings if customer is in a group).
Then you will see a dropdown to embed images when creating a campaign.
Just a heads-up, this is really a terrible idea, this is why we disable it by default.
@Jukkis - That's doable.
You have to enable the feature from /backend/index.php/settings/customers/campaigns (or group settings if customer is in a group).
Then you will see a dropdown to embed images when creating a campaign.
Just a heads-up, this is really a terrible idea, this is why we disable it by default.
why do you say this this is a terrible idea? I think this can be called image campaign right? I am also looking out to see how can I can have image campaign on the campaign template and the campaign content body...
Please can you advise if I can have an image campaign?...I have attached example of what I mean below this comment..Please let me know if this doable or not..I hope to receive your response as soon as possible..


  • Image Campaign.png
    Image Campaign.png
    66.2 KB · Views: 24
Thanks for the answer.

One more question:

Adding a hyperlink and adding just open/ordinary link in a text campaign..which one triggers spam the most?
Indeed, embedding images with emails is NOT a good idea, you run for chances to dramatically decrease your inbox reach rate.

One cool 'trick' is to put a cool enticing message in the ALT tag of the image.

That way you get a better chance to make load images, to those who do not to protect their opens tracking etc.

A simple call to action in the like of "please load your images to see this cool graphic", which will be viewable in the image place holder, when images are not loaded, could make a big difference. As usual, testing, testing, and testing will reveal the truth.
