How to activate CRON for CLI Import

paul dubois

New Member

1) how to activate the CRON for CLI import (in order to import files in queue ?)

2) is the an API documentation in order to know all available functions on Mailwizz ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

1) how to activate the CRON for CLI import (in order to import files in queue ?)
Go in backend > settings > import/export and click the info icon for each of the import options ;)

2) is the an API documentation in order to know all available functions on Mailwizz ?
You mean API functions, or general functions available in mailwizz?
If the first, see

thanks for your answer,

but 1) i created my list ad imported files in Queue since 3 or 4 hours (and nothing is imported)

2) i activated the CLI import
=> after that, should i go to write into the crontab file ? or something like that ?
what should i write
- this ? */5 * * * * php -q /var/www/mw/apps/console/console.php list-importer folder > /dev/null 2>&1
sorry, i'm not an expert.
- this ? */5 * * * * php -q /var/www/mw/apps/console/console.php list-importer folder > /dev/null 2>&1
Yes exactly. You have to add this cron job in the same way you have added the ones at install, remember ?
let me know if unclear ;)

This is the correct cron job:
*/5 * * * * php -q /var/www/mw/apps/console/console.php list-import folder >/dev/null 2>&1
This is the correct cron job:
*/5 * * * * php -q /var/www/mw/apps/console/console.php list-import folder >/dev/null 2>&1[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your answer ...
just a question by a newbie ...
here is my crontab file (using putty)


1) i inserted my lines
2)how to save the file ? (eache time i do "Ctrl + X", nothing happens it just added this sign "^X")

Thanks for your help.
Yes exactly. You have to add this cron job in the same way you have added the ones at install, remember ?
let me know if unclear ;)
Thanks for your help ...
finally i downloaded the file on my descktop ... and modified it ...

it was faster (after more than 2 hours, tring to modified it using command lines).

Thanks for your help ...
finally i downloaded the file on my descktop ... and modified it ...

it was faster (after more than 2 hours, tring to modified it using command lines).


maybe for next time
use editor 'nano'
for crontab like this
env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
@Francisco Irigoite - you need to add it just like the other mailwizz cron jobs. What you see is examples which you have to adapt to your server, so, for example, duplicate your send-campaigns cron jobs but this time instead of the words send-campaigns, you put list-import folder.
There is no command for console list-import-folder. What is the correct console command?
Press the info button from Backend > Settings > Import/Export > CLI import enabled in the popup that appears you will have the correct cron.

Screenshot 2021-05-24 at 11.48.26.png