How do I setup Gmail with Bounce server?


I am trying to create gmail server with bounce server and in hostname box the script wont let me through. It says no such server for hostname.
This is what I put for gmail:
  • Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server - Requires SSL
    • Port: 993
    • Requires SSL:Yes
  • Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - Requires TLS
    • Port: 465 or 587
    • Requires SSL: Yes
    • Requires authentication: Yes
    • Use same settings as incoming mail server
Are these correct?
This is a smtp server from gmail:

This is a bounce server example:

Use those and if your server does not block any of those outgoing ports, then it should work just fine.
P.S: Using GMAIL is really a bad idea, you'll get blocked in no time.

Hey guys! can you help me out!
Am facing a weird issue when adding GMAIL SMTP. it indicate a wrong authorization error! even though am more then sure that I used the correct user and pass! 2-step-verification is disabled. and I have turned on *Access for less secure apps*!
Please check the attached screenshots!
This one for the bounces server it connect with no issues!

This one when I try to send the confirmation email to validate the server!

Please help me out!
No other idea then, the error says the password is not correct. Maybe try to change the password and don't use funky characters in it.
I'm getting the similar issue however mine says:

  • Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110]
    Log data:
    ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport
    !! Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110]
In earlier part of this thread you said using Gmail is a bad idea.
Is using gmail as a bounce server only a bad idea or just for sending?