How do I change text of an error message?


New Member
What file do I need to edit to change the text of this error message in the subscribe form? .../index.php/lists/tr053kzrfp884/subscribe

Also, would it work right away or do I need to clear cache/restart server?

Thanks in advance for any help. I've just spent three hours going through code and couldn't find it, LOL.

Most likely the message is generated from /apps/customer/components/list-field-builder/text/validators/ListFieldBuilderTypeTextEmailValidator.php at line 51, where you have:
$this->addError($object, $attribute, t('list_fields', 'This email address is blacklisted!'));
So you could change there, but keep in mind it will be lost when you will upgrade to a newer version of MailWizz.