I was wondering how it is possible to remove the inactive subs...
For example, those who have been added before 30 days
that haven't opened since the last 30 days.
I was trying to find such segmentation rules in Mailwhizz but couldn't find any...
Any ideas?
@Alex N / @frm.mwz - You can now do this. If you login as a customer, and go to http://demo.mailwizz.com/customer/index.php/lists/all-subscribers you'll be able to select various filters and delete subscribers matching the filters.
Currently only View, Export, Confirm, Disable, Unsubscribe, Blacklist and Delete are only possible as actions.have not checked recently, can subs be moved automatically into another AR for re-engagement?
Currently only View, Export, Confirm, Disable, Unsubscribe, Blacklist and Delete are only possible as actions.
If you can add Move and Copy to these actions, then it will become more powerful feature.