help needed with bounces



I sent an email today and got over 91 hard bounces - this is not usual for me as i haven't added any new emails since my last send which was a few days ago ... i also got many soft bounces too

I use sparkpost and here are some of the bounce notifications i am getting - any idea how i can overcome these issues?

hard bounces

550-"[a.b.c.d]:46958 is in an RBL on {base64} see Blocked - 550 Abuse" (there are many of these)

soft are like this

522 email sent from ( found on industry URI blacklists, please contact your mail sending service or use an alternate email service to send your email. Guide for bulk senders

522 email sent from (a.b.c.d) found on industry IP blacklists, please contact your mail sending service or use an alternate email service to send your email. Guide for bulk senders

550-Message rejected because mta# [a.b.c.d]:28085 is 550 blacklisted see Blocked - Abuse

553 5.3.0 a.b.c.d Your message was rejected for possible spam/virus content.Please ask your email provider to visit http://{base64} for resolution.

553 5.3.0 a.b.c.d Your message was rejected for possible spam/virus content.Please ask your email provider to visit http://{base64} for resolution.

Please note that I havent added a single new subscriber and my last campaign which was sent on the 17th of november i only got 26 bounces out of 14693 emails sent (0 were hard bounces)

today I sent 14658 sends and 174 bounced - 91 of them are hard bounces

Also what will mailwizz do with the hard bounces? i know these are my legitimate customers and would still like to continue mailing them

Please can you let me know how mailwizz handles hard bounces - will the hard bounces automatically be removed ?

Reason I'm asking is because I know these are legitimate emails - I also spoke to sparkpost who say the emails were being blocked and not bounced but need to know how to make sure mailwizz doesn't delete them
Hi Ahmed,

With Sparkpost if you use API, then also it handle automatically.

In MW, when email hard bounce, it automatically removed from list.

So you don't need to worry to handle that.
Yeh this is what I don't want happening with these hard bounces because they are real legitimate emails . How can I get them back on the list to email
Yeh this is what I don't want happening with these hard bounces because they are real legitimate emails . How can I get them back on the list to email
Remove them from blacklist and they will be marked as confirmed in the list.

Ive got many to go through and im going through them 1 at a time - is there a better way to get this done ?

Currently im looking at the last bounce notifications and then searching the email lists to find the email and then subscribing the user - Its taking forever though :-)

Ive got many to go through and im going through them 1 at a time - is there a better way to get this done ?

Currently im looking at the last bounce notifications and then searching the email lists to find the email and then subscribing the user - Its taking forever though :)
use toggle subscribers form in all subs view
cant find that - but i did see bulk actions from source
im thinking of trying to download the hard bounces - adding them to bulk actions from source and then subscribing them

will that work?
cant find that - but i did see bulk actions from source
im thinking of trying to download the hard bounces - adding them to bulk actions from source and then subscribing them

will that work?
see in subscribers, all, the funnel symbol top right
ok im totally lost - I can see the filter screen and it allows me to show all blacklisted - all subscribed etc but I still need to find each one manually right? because i only want to subscribe those that got blocked from the last email due to the sparkpost issues

Also - I have tried to change the subscriber from blacklisted to subscribe it looks like its getting done but when I look for the subscriber again it still shows them as blacklisted

I also added all emails I needed to remove from the blacklist to a csv - added it to the bulk actions from source and set the subscribers to subscribe - it said it updated all the subscribers I noted but I still see them in the blacklist
ok im totally lost - I can see the filter screen and it allows me to show all blacklisted - all subscribed etc but I still need to find each one manually right? because i only want to subscribe those that got blocked from the last email due to the sparkpost issues

Also - I have tried to change the subscriber from blacklisted to subscribe it looks like its getting done but when I look for the subscriber again it still shows them as blacklisted
the form allows you to find them all as per filter settings and then to take action: resubscribe them
Here is the problem im facing

I dont want to subscribe all blacklists - I want to subscribe only a few (about 100 emails) which were blacklisted due to a IP issue with Sparkpost..

Ive had a look at the form your making notes of - I can select the list - I can search based on status (confirmed, blacklisted etc) and I can choose to perform a task (confirm, view, disable, delete etc)

Im not able to select all blacklisted from a list and make them subscribed due to the notes above - I dont want to resubscribe all blacklists just a handful of them (i have over 1k blacklisted emails in the blacklist)

If I view all blacklisted users then when I click on edit - im not able to see any option to remove them from the blacklist (please note im in the customer panel and not backend panel on the following url customer/index.php/lists/all-subscribers)

When i go to all subscribers then im still not able to see the option to remove them from the blacklist..

I did however find the option when I go to the actual list - such as this page customer/index.php/lists/bh802ztns35ca/subscribers

on this page I am able to search for each email address 1 at a time and change their status from blacklisted to subscribed - But here is another problem.. After I search for a email on this page and change the status from blacklisted to subscribed then it looks as if it has performed the task but when I search for the same user again then its still blacklisted

So then I tried to create a new list and import all the blacklisted users I want added again but it didnt import them because it said they are blacklisted

Im really not sure where to go from here - im at your mercy :-)
what if I deleted the blacklisted emails and then import them into a new list...would the system still store them in a blacklist history and stop me from importing?
thanks for this.. makes sense why the blacklisted were not being changed to subscribe

I see a note in the backend (in the url you noted) it says that "please note that this will remove the blacklisted emails from the main blacklist"

I dont want to email all the blacklists again - can you let me know what this means before I change it please..

ok here is what I did - I deleted the emails from the main blacklist list and then imported them into a new list