Help cause I'm ready to break things!


New Member
Downloaded the mailwizz app yesterday afternoon and 17 hrs later I'm reaching out before I lose

I'm hosting mailwizz of Vultr. I've been trying to figure out why I'm getting this error:

chmod +x /home/mysitename/public_html/apps/console/commands/shell/set-dir-perms

To add to my frustration I'm getting this message:
The directory must be writable by the web server (chmod -R 0777)

Well I've changed ALL...yes ALL permissions to 0777 and still nothing.

All directories are "PASSING" except one Extensions (home/mywebsite/public_html/apps/extensions), which does not appear to have come with the mailwizz download file. I say "appear" because while nothing in the apps folder has anything labeled "extensions" there was a number of files in the separate folder "update" that I suspect may contain something related to extensions but no specific folder.

I've googled, tried # sudo codes from here to Kalamazoo, restarted the VPS (which I purchased yesterday as well) and yet nothing...

I'm going to kick myself if this was some simple thing I overlooked but I really think I've tried everything.

Please help!
@Mail4life - If you take a look in the original mailwizz archive, you will see the folder there (the extensions folder). It seems in your case, the ftp client simply choose to ignore it...I don't know why, that's another story i believe.
So, create the folder in the right location, give it writable permissions, and it should be fine. Let me know how it goes.
Please find attached screenshots.

1. Of file labeled "Extensions"
2. Same file clicked and empty

Not sure where the fault lies but... I'd just like to get the app running. Any assistance will be bountifully appreciated! ext1.JPG ext2.JPG
I uploaded empty file and still got the error, then I just created a new directory file by right clicking renamed it "extensions" and it went through ok but I'm not sure if this will come back to bite me later...needless to say I was able to install mailwizz successfully. Now I'm running my first campaign and I got this error. Instead of fighting with it for days I figured I'd ask for help immediately.

Please assisterror.JPG
The errors continue...Now I get this one when attempting to upload an email template. This app has been a challenge for a non-techie like myself all I can hope for is timely tech support. My message from yesterday is still unanswered as well.

Getting this error 500


  • error1.JPG
    13.9 KB · Views: 3

Another thing I'd like to receive clarity on is whether sending a plain text email with simple hyperlinks is possible. I've tried and it looks ok in the preview but when I send a test email via my delivery server (sendgrid) the email I receive in the inbox is grossly unformatted and the hyperlink URL is underneath the word or phrase vs being within the clickable word or phrase. Any insight on why this is happening?

Now I'm running my first campaign and I got this error. Instead of fighting with it for days I figured I'd ask for help immediately.
You did good :)
Looking at the error it seems caused by lack of disk space on either your smtp server or your hosting server.
Check that.

The errors continue...Now I get this one when attempting to upload an email template. This app has been a challenge for a non-techie like myself all I can hope for is timely tech support. My message from yesterday is still unanswered as well.

Getting this error 500
Same here, it's the disk space...

Another thing I'd like to receive clarity on is whether sending a plain text email with simple hyperlinks is possible. I've tried and it looks ok in the preview but when I send a test email via my delivery server (sendgrid) the email I receive in the inbox is grossly unformatted and the hyperlink URL is underneath the word or phrase vs being within the clickable word or phrase. Any insight on why this is happening?
Plain text cannot do links, that's the nature of such emails. That's why we have html emails.
In plain text you will see the urls as they are and then the email client decides if they can be clicked or not, and most likely they won't be clickable.
Still having issues. I've attached a screenshot that shows my attempt to follow the code recommendations of my VPS administrator.

Ok! So here is the response from my VPS support:

To view disk space usage on Linux systems the below commands should be run as root.

Displays disk usage in human readable format, outputs usage in GB format:

df -H

Use the cd command to get to the root of the file system:

cd /

Then run the below command to get the top 10 directories sorted by space usage:

du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -10

I entered these codes and then got this, which I subsequently sent to my VPS tech support as a follow-up:

[root@mywebsite ~]# du -hsx *
180K virtualmin-install.log
[root@mywebsite ~]# du -hsx *
180K virtualmin-install.log
[root@mywebsite ~]# du -hsx * /sort -rh / head -10
du: invalid option -- 'r'
du: invalid option -- '1'
Try 'du --help' for more information.
[root@mywebsite ~]# du -hsx *
180K virtualmin-install.log
[root@mywebsite ~]#

I then received this response after sending the last message:


Thanks for contacting us. A 50x error indicates that there may be an error in your web server, or related package configurations, or that one of the necessary services is not currently running. You will need to review your running processes, as well as their configurations in order to know for sure.

Matt R.
Systems Administrator


@Mail4life - your hosting company advice related to disk space was good, but you actually forgot to run the first one:
df -h
A 50x error indicates that there may be an error in your web server, or related package configurations, or that one of the necessary services is not currently running.
It's also happening if the mysql service, or any other service doesn't have enough disk space and they error our not being able to complete their tasks.

So again, it's the disk space.