Google Ad Manager 1x1 tags and Mailwizz

One of our clients wishes to use Google Ad Manager 360 tracking codes set as 1x1 "tags" on ads it is running in one of our weekly eletters. However, I'm at a loss about how to co-ordinate the tag set-up with Mailwizz, and even whether it is possible to do this. I don't mind paying for custom coding to achieve the results. (We have a Google Ad Manager Small Business Account which works well for trafficking and tracking ads on our website -- the issue is the eletter.)

See a reduced size screen shot of the "workbook" provided by the client?

Can anyone suggest a solution?

tag sheet.jpg
What is your actual question?
I see you have a click tag, by its name, I assume you can use that for when customers click links in the email template, so you set that as the href attribute of the link.
I also see you have some image tags as well, those can only be used when the email is loaded and they will all trigger when the email is opened.
Belatedly I saw this question as I was researching the same problem. Unfortunately in my experience the traffic/click tags don't work properly if installed directly in Mailwizz -- I realized this fact yesterday after an eletter reader, wanting to click through the ad, couldn't do it. I needed to copy the GAM image from GAM's preview function and set it within Mailwizz, and then find the actual destination URL for the click through -- meaning the GAM tracking/measuring stuff won't work. The work-around, I expect, will be to use Mailwizz's reporting tools to generate manual reports. Not perfect but the advertiser should still be able to track and assess the eletter advertising's effectiveness.