Getting the Optin form


New Member
Hi There,

I am just new in Mailwizz, having some questions:

1- how to get the opting form that people can opt in? and how to edit this form?
2- Is it possible to create autorespond message can be as a series of messages (for ex. first message well be immediately after register and the second one 2 days later and so on).
3- How to get good Mail templates can use it with Mailwizz?

Thanks for any help.
1- how to get the opting form that people can opt in?
lists...list pages...quick links...list embed forms
there you have the two tabs for un/subscribe form code
which can be pasted into a pagebuilder's form parts

how to edit this form?
either edit it in list pages or put up an new page with any pagebuilder that can handle forms and mwz form code

2- Is it possible to create autorespond message can be as a series of messages (for ex. first message well be immediately after register and the second one 2 days later and so on).
just create a new campaign and select autoresponder in campaign type

3- How to get good Mail templates can use it with Mailwizz?
you'll find them in the third party section of the forum:
as with any template, you need to adjust it to your needs, incl links, tags, etc
@frm.mwz - have read the answer and it's even hard for me to understand what you meant in some parts :-s

For #1 - Each email list you create in MailWizz has it's own pages, such as subscription page, unsubscribe page, confirmation page and so on. You can reach these pages by clicking your list name from Customer Area > Lists and then, from the overview page, click on the Pages box. You'll now be able to see the pages and edit them. explains more.
For #3, to add more to what frm.mwz pointed out, you can use any email template you have, mailwizz will pretty much with all of them.
lists...list pages...quick links...list embed forms
there you have the two tabs for un/subscribe form code
which can be pasted into a pagebuilder's form parts

either edit it in list pages or put up an new page with any pagebuilder that can handle forms and mwz form code

just create a new campaign and select autoresponder in campaign type

you'll find them in the third party section of the forum:
as with any template, you need to adjust it to your needs, incl links, tags, etc

Thank so much, it helped a lot, But let me ask after I edited the form, How I can get HTML code to use it in my website as an optin form?
In CK Editor, there is button in first line - source - click on that, you will see HTML code in content area. Just copy it.
have read the answer and it's even hard for me to understand what you meant in some parts :-s
Whenever that happens, just ask specifically (and keep in mind it could also be your perception/English).
Only delete at will if it is totally misleading or morbidly wrong ;)
How I can get HTML code to use it in my website as an optin form?
That's the part you find in the customer interface dashboard under
lists -> list pages -> quick links (left side) -> list embed forms
which should be at a similar URL such as this
there you will find two tabs
one for each, the subscribe and the unsubscription, and both their form code
which you can use/cut&paste into a pagebuilder's form parts or your website optin form