forward SSL proxy for tracking domains


Hello Community,

i am currently trying to solve a task that might be already solved )
i have a domain that is pointing to my dedicated mailwizz server

i have multiple costumers that would like to set a tracking domain directly at their registrar , like namecheap or godaddy
when they point their domain with CNAME the connection is not secure.

there are two options to move their domain to CDN like Cloudflare and enable proxy ssl there or for me generate and install SSL for every tracking domain a user implements.

when scaling to 100+ domains two options become incovenient.

i am exploring a third option of creating a forward SSL proxy for all the the thrid party tracking domains to obtain SSL when forwarded to our

Any advices are welcome

what if you need to set 500+ tracking urls?
There will always be setup involved as the CNAME will need to be setup, you can use haproxy to handle the certificates. However any option you choose you are going to need do some work to get the certificates generated. I simple bash script would be able to generate the certs with one command..