Fix CDbException


New Member
Hey guys.
I need someone to fix the " CDbException" error I am getting from time to time and I am losing clicks.

CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection."

The issue started after I made some changes on crontab to send multiple campaigns and run multiple autorespodners

After that, I made some changes on mysqld.cnf but the error still happens from time to time

I tried some posts here on this forum but without luck...

Pm me your skype,price, tat and experience
Hey guys.
I need someone to fix the " CDbException" error I am getting from time to time and I am losing clicks.

CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection."

The issue started after I made some changes on crontab to send multiple campaigns and run multiple autorespodners

After that, I made some changes on mysqld.cnf but the error still happens from time to time

I tried some posts here on this forum but without luck...

Pm me your skype,price, tat and experience
Let's discuss on Email -
Just in case someone might have the same problem I fixed this problem myself.

I tweaked mysql config file and increased ram use allowance there.Now it's working fine

Located here on Ubuntu 18.04 LAMP:

Just in case someone might have the same problem I fixed this problem myself.

I tweaked mysql config file and increased ram use allowance there.Now it's working fine

Located here on Ubuntu 18.04 LAMP:

Improving the DBF settings is right, but 32G for the key_buffer_size seems extreme vs having only max_allowed_packet 32M ;)
But in any case, great you resolved it!
Hey guys.
I need someone to fix the " CDbException" error I am getting from time to time and I am losing clicks.

CDbConnection failed to open the DB connect
Look like your Mysql server overloading, pls re-configure Cron in backend setting and optimize your Mysql server.
I am having similar issues...I only have around 10K to 12K contacts and I send around 50K emails per day

but 3-4 of my MW get this error...especially when I try to do list cleaning by selecting the non openers for last 30 days

Even 2 of my dedicated are having this issue after having 16GB RAM
especially when I try to do list cleaning by selecting the non openers for last 30 days
What version of the app are you using? Because newer versions will queue this type of requests and will run it in background, so you should not have this issue with filters.
I just started using this feature for deletion and the queue for deletion of 2K subs is still pending for more than 24 hours

earlier I used to select a particular list and then delete subs basis who have not was a much more manual process so this one is
definitely great ...
@theseagull - please open a support ticket with backend url and login to your app so we can take a look.
Also, if you can provide SSH/Cpanel access, that will help additionally.