Extremely slow email delivery rate


New Member
I am trying to send email to about 75,000 subscribers using Maildrill API. For the first campaign, I realised that the sending limits were set to defaults i.e. 100 at a time etc.. so I paused that campaign, copied it, marked previous campaign as sent. Reset the settings to 5,000 at one time and 10,000 in a minute. (I did this Globally as well as client's Group level).

But even after doing that, the mails are still sent at really low rate. Server has 8 GB RAM. PHP-FPM settings have been optimised as well. I am on PHP 7.2 and PCNTL is not enabled.

Also, one more issue. I even enabled Temporary queue table in the main main_custom.php but that isn't working either. (I do not see a temporary table as mentioned in the article)

Any pointers?
Thanks for the reply. I had gone through this article but the problem I am facing is different. The settings does not get applied I guess. I was running only one campaign at a time.
I think the problem is not sequential or parallel. It's not even sending 5,000 emails together, it's sending only 100 or so. I am not running multiple campaigns, just one campaign.
@Deep - If your settings from backend > settings > cron are set to 100, it will only send 100 at once. If you did changes in backend > settings > customers > campaigns and have set another number there, then mailwizz will use those settings.
If you set 5000 at once it means you haven't read the article i pointed out to you, and you should. Do not set 5k at once, your server won't be able to handle it. Again, please read the article, mailwizz does better with smaller batches.
I think I did not explain this properly. Let me try and explain it in detail with screenshots and technical points so it will help to resolve the issue.

Here is the screenshot of Settings > Cron screen


Here is the screenshot of Customers > Groups > Campaigns screen: (The customer I am sending mails from is under this group)


Let me explain, what I have understood from the above settings:

First one allows 5 Campaigns at a time, pick 5000 subscribers at once and send email too 5000 subscribers at once at a pause of 10 seconds.

Second one allows same settings but 10000 max emails per minute.

I do understand my settings are high and server may not be able to send so many emails. I would be really happy if server would crash but the the problem is not that. The problem is, it's not even picking up 5K emails, it's sticking to default limit of 100 emails.

If server was not capable of handling it due to memory or any settings issue, the cron would break and it will stop sending emails but no it kept sending emails at 100 emails limit.

So my question again is, is there is setting which is preventing the new settings to get applied? Do I have to do anything special? (Clear cache, clear some values in tables etc..)
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hi I seem to be facing the same problem, emails been sent in 100 instead of what I specified so @Deep has it been resolved and how did you go about it please.

To be frank, I did not get much time to play around with it so stopped using it. But the support from Mailwizz is quick, please contact them via support option privately and they will help to resolve the issue.