{"errors":{"license_key":"This license is already registered to another MailWizz instance"},"message":"General error","status":"error"}


In my backend, I got the following error:

{"errors":{"license_key":"This license is already registered to another MailWizz instance"},"message":"General error","status":"error"}

This probably happened because i just switched to a different server. I went to the folowing link below to reset and I continue to get the same error.

If you did the things as the article say, you wouldn't have any issue.
After you reset your license, go to Backend > settings > license info, and save that page once again, the error will go away.
It says in the article.
If you did the things as the article say, you wouldn't have any issue.
After you reset your license, go to Backend > settings > license info, and save that page once again, the error will go away.
It says in the article.
There is no mention of the word save in in that article or the reset page. Anyways. I saved it and I am still getting an error.
{"errors":{"license_key":"This license is already registered to another MailWizz instance"},"message":"General error","status":"error"}
Client error: `POST https://www.mailwizz.com/api/license/verify` resulted in a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response: {"errors":{"license_key":"This license is already registered to another MailWizz instance"},"message":"General error","s (truncated...)

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 10.25.36 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 10.26.27 AM.png
@twisted1919 So hitting save on the license page didnt work. I had to go find my purchase code and and re-enter it and then save. Then it worked. Maybe its because the purchase code displays as xxxxx at the end of it and its trying to validate it like that. Who knows.
@BlindlyForward - This error, in some cases, shows up because of the changes we did in our validation system, so if you got this error, saving your license once again will fix it.
We understand its not okay to get this error if you didn't do anything wrong, and we do really hope in future this doesn't happen anymore as right now we have taken a few steps towards preventing it in future.
Hi @twisted1919
I have the same problem out of the blue. I copy/pasted my license key as you advice and MailWizz threw the errors:

{"errors":{"license_key":"This license is already registered to another MailWizz instance"},"message":"General error","status":"error"}
Client error: `POST https://www.mailwizz.com/api/license/verify` resulted in a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response: {"errors":{"license_key":"This license is already registered to another MailWizz instance"},"message":"General error","s (truncated...)

I will appreciate your help on this matter
Hi @twisted1919,
Thank you for your fast response. I was looking for the reset-license link inside MailWizz . I went to the link you provided and copy/pasted again my license and everything is working ok now.
It would be very helpful to add this link and this instruction to to the error message regarding this matter.
Thank you again and best regards.