Error updating - What to do?


Active Member
@twisted1919, I'm receiving error while updating the application:
Updating to version failed with: CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1005 Can't create table '#sql-7433_23f5b' (errno: 121)​

You can login to mysql and type


You will have all the output and you should have a better idea of what the error is.
Well, my hunch is that you tried to upgrade the app from the web interface, then it failed because the database was too big, then you tried maybe command line update and then you got this particular error?

Eitherway, restore your backup and try to upgrade from command line directly.
If you follow the upgrade steps, there's no reason why the upgrade will break.
@twisted1919, Thanks genius! Yes you're right, below are the steps we followed:
  1. Uploaded "Update" folder contents
  2. Tried to run the update command through web interface
  3. Then tried to run through SSH same error
Guess what? We don't have the SQL backup file :p

What to do? :(
@AC AFD - Well, there are still some hopes ;)
Check your database and see if you have a table named customer_message(might be mw_customer_message).
If you have it open /apps/common/data/update-sql/ and remove everything till line 74 so that the file will only contain:
ALTER TABLE `bounce_server` ADD KEY `status` (`status`);
ALTER TABLE `list_subscriber` ADD KEY `email` (`email`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_bounce_log` ADD KEY `proc_bt` (`processed`,`bounce_type`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `proc_status` (`processed`,`status`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `cid_status`(`campaign_id`, `status`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `cid_date_added`(`campaign_id`, `date_added`);
Save the file and run the upgrade process from command line again.

If you don't have that table above, you'll have to simply run by hand each query from the update file (/apps/common/data/update-sql/ ).
I'd suggest doing it from command line too.
@twisted1919, Thanks for the suggestion. From where I can buy Backup Extension? If it's created by you then I can go ahead and purchase. Also do you know any themes which are compatible with MailWizz?

I'll try to go through your suggestion.
@AC AFD - You can get the backup manager extension from here and yeah, it's written by me ;)
Related to themes, you pretty much have to use any html theme but have to then transform it into a mailwizz theme, which is rather a complex process that requires PHP knowledge.
@twisted1919 - Again new error:
Updating to version failed with: CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1061 Duplicate key name 'status'​
Believe it or not, this is good :)

The file now contains:
ALTER TABLE `bounce_server` ADD KEY `status` (`status`);
ALTER TABLE `list_subscriber` ADD KEY `email` (`email`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_bounce_log` ADD KEY `proc_bt` (`processed`,`bounce_type`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `proc_status` (`processed`,`status`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `cid_status`(`campaign_id`, `status`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `cid_date_added`(`campaign_id`, `date_added`);
And the app complaints about the status column, which means we can safely remove the first row of the file so that we can have:
ALTER TABLE `list_subscriber` ADD KEY `email` (`email`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_bounce_log` ADD KEY `proc_bt` (`processed`,`bounce_type`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `proc_status` (`processed`,`status`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `cid_status`(`campaign_id`, `status`);
ALTER TABLE `campaign_delivery_log` ADD KEY `cid_date_added`(`campaign_id`, `date_added`);
If later it complains again, try removing a row and run the command again, and so on till it does not complain anymore.