Error in tracking opens and tracing clicks


New Member

I have the following problem, until a week ago I was using mailwizz in version 1.3.7.x but suddenly after sending a campaign I stopped tracking people who opened the campaign or clicked on the links (having activated the track links and Track opens), I really do not understand what happened, since sending was very simple (reason why I bought the script).

I was asking for help in cocanyon and they told me that I should have a tracking pixel inside the html code of my email, however ... where do I generate the code for that pixel? Does that code appear by itself? Should I put it? What is the link to place?

Https:// 2017-02-24 19.39.13.png?dl=0, I understand that I should put a similar code for tracking, but where I get that code or Url?

I hope you can help me.
But this change comes from the new version of mailwizz since in previous versions worked perfect.
Nope, this has nothing to do with mailwizz at all. The email message is changed after mailwizz has sent it and has no control over it.
Again, your hosting is the one that can help here.
Ok, specifically the complaint would be that your service is changing and adding a pixel that is not from the script and misses the tracking of the script.

Could you tell me how I have to make the ticket, you would tell me that I have to write to them to be attended to and understand what is the problem.
Yes, @twisted1919 After having spent more than 4 days between tickets, support, configuration changes from smtp from SSL to normal, send tests and those things, do not give the error and leave me the following message

Nothing in our server configuration was changed for months but we still disabled the email scanner for your domain.
This could be easily done by you, from your cpanel account.
We are using ConfigServer Mailscaner v8.05 for scanning email for viruses and spam and this scanner does not modify image's source attribute and if it finds a virus the email's subject will start with a {Disarmed} tag.

Please check if the receiving email server has a email scanner that is modifying the message code.

Thank You!
@makperu - i don't think they tell you the truth, the tracking pixel is modified even when we are sending to, so i am almost sure they do change it.
You can test this, signup for SparkPost and create a sparkpost delivery server type in your app and send using that server and see if the tag gets modified. if it does not, then for sure your host is not honest with you.
@makperu - That's a good question, i have no idea though. Try as i suggested above though and see how that goes then we can continue from there.
@twisted1919 Well, I do not know what to do ... they say that everything is good and by mailwizz everything is fine .. :(, I'll see if I contract a hosting for a month and I try ... if that's the problem it touches Migrate ... could you provide me with a provisional license to carry out the new installation?
To test and see if it works perfect in another hosting? I have my license but I think I can only use it in a single installation?
You can try using your liecse on a test install and see how it goes, i won't be blocking you, go ahead ;)
@twisted1919 one question, Is there a problem with the licenses? I installed 2 installations in 2 different hosting apart from my main installation and does not send in any of the 2 installations, is there anything that prevents it?
No, is same licence... i have one licence, So I asked if I could lend me 1 or 2 licenses to perform the tests in 2 hosting that I have contracted, given that my hosting provider has changed my server, tells me that they could not leave the link (CDN) Because it is your competition, so the problem is already greater, could you please enable me 2 licenses for one day, to test the mailwizz in 2 different hosting?