Enforce not to use spaces in filemanager folder names



Gmail acts funny with spaces on images. It displays broken image when there are spaces instead of characters like %20.

Is there a way to enforce no spaces when making folders. Then that kind of issue will come less. I quite often find myself answering that question.

@twisted1919, this seems to happen for file names as well. If a customer calls their image "image name.jpg" instead of "image-name.jpg" gmail shows it as a missing image. Is there a way to add the dash if a customer uploads images with spaces?

At the moment I am telling customers to to avoid spaces but it's impossible to get this message to everyone and not likely that people will even remember to do it each time.

@twisted1919, it looks like spaces actually work sometimes but other times they do not.

I had a customer send an email with multiple images. 3 of the images had spaces in the names but only 1 showed as a broken image.

What happened was that the 1 image that didn't work replaced the spaces with a "+". The 2 images that did work, replaced the spaces with "%20", which appears to be the correct way of doing this.

Is there a reason why Mailwizz does both? And is there a way to force it to always use "%20"?

@corey34 - i have taken care of this issue anyway, so next release will force dashes in file names instead of spaces
Awesome. My app is a little behind the MW updates because we have to fix some things first. Is there a specific fix that I could apply to my site, that would allow me to does this without updating right now? It's been a big frustration for my customers but I can't update MW for a while yet.

It's not mailwizz who does this.
Oh, is this something that my server might do then?

@corey34 - unzip and upload attached folder in apps/common/extensions/ to replace the existing folder with same name, basically we will be upgrading the ckeditor extension.
Lemme know how it goes.


Perfect, thanks. Since this is just updating the ckeditor, it shouldn't affect other parts of MW then, right? I will do some testing on my staging server first but it seems like it's fairly low risk that it would affect my site.

I will definitely let you know how testing goes.