Emails not sending



Just configured the app, set up my campaigns but the emails are not sending. I'm just using one sending server (mandril) and the test validating server email worked ok. But not the rest of the emails... I've double checked the cron jobs, and also spent many time in this tread:

Also checked with my bluehost server, and they assured me that everything was ok on their side. (they helped me checked the cron jobs)

The cron jobs are looking like this:
Hey @Alejandro
If the campaigns are still in Pending Sending mode it means the cron jobs are not properly triggered.
Could you ask your hosting to give you the output of the following commands:
/usr/bin/php-cli -v && php -v
/usr/bin/php-cli /home4/tintach1/public_html/chido/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --verbose=1

Let me know what they say.
Ok, thanks, man. For looking in to this.

This is what the guys at blu host told me

should be using:

/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli -v && php -v

/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli /home4/tintach1/public_html/chido/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --verbose=1
/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli -v && php -v output: I should say.

Running those in SSH had it running properly.
@Alejandro - i see your support guy has used /usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli instead of
sr/bin/php-cli as you have used in your crons.
So can you adjust your crons like that and replace the php path with this new one and see if that makes any difference?
Also, they say this ran properly:
/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli /home4/tintach1/public_html/chido/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --verbose=1
It should have produced a lot of output. Can we see it?
Hahaha. Awesome, it seems that the support guy correct them by them self, because now is working and I haven't touch anything!

Thanks a lot for your help...

Got an other question integrating the hmtl for with an external lead plugin... should I open a new tread? This app is awesome!
You can open another thread yes ;)
before you do, each list will produce it's own html code for forms, so look at that before ;) [ Customer Area -> Lists -> List overview -> Forms ]
Humm, an other trouble. Now, the status of the campaigns are in sending all right, but they are not sending... I received some emails from the tests I did yesterday night, adding some mails directly in the app... I when the status change to sending I've got those test mails from yesterday, but right now I when adding a new test user to a list I don't get the autoresponder email program to send when some one subscribes... it happens the same with all my lists and all my autoresponders... also, when adding a user, I can see immediately that it has been adde in the users section of the play list, but I don't see it reported in the dashboard...
It's weird, maybe it got nothing to do with this guy changing anything, because I checked the crons again and they are still the same, they where before, like this
You got those emails because that guy ran the command from command line and sent the emails.
Your cron jobs are still wrong thus not sending any emails at all, so edit them as i suggested above ;)