Email delivery is temporary disabled.

I know that there's a specific kb article dealing with this but I've checked everything and none worked. I've setup a new external SMTP delivery server that has sent me the validation code so it's working, assigned that delivery server to the customer and checked the limits but every time I try to send a test template I get

Email delivery is temporary disabled.

Can you help? I've sent you a PM with login credentials...

I have the same problem. After updating I can not do a test. Displays the message "Email delivery is temporary disabled"
I have reviewed all limits and everything is unlimited.
Can you help me?
Lemme have a look, open a support ticket please with the details to the app backend so i can login and see.
I have to remove an SMTP server and I reinstall it to see if this is the cause. Once reinstalled, I received the validation email from the new server, so when I click I get message on the browser


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@karim - That's an apache server 404 error, which means the request does not reach mailwizz, so most likely your issue is related to .htaccess. My advice is to disable clean urls from your Backend > Settings area and then try again.