dynamix pixel incorporation?


Hey man,

I hope things continue to go well for you. :-)

I would LOVE to see something like a dynamic website pixel incorporated. Meaning you could set a pixel on a webpage and if a certain event happens, it then triggers a response in Mailwizz.

For instance, I have a list that I am sending but don't have a real way to know how far they have moved though my funnel on a website. If they have completed the funnel then I should remove them from this list and move them to a buyers list. I realize there are some ways of just making them sign up to the new list, but it seems to me a real elegant solution would be, if they hit the than you page, it fires the pixel and moves them to the new list. Basically a conversion.


Hey man,

I hope things continue to go well for you. :)

I would LOVE to see something like a dynamic website pixel incorporated. Meaning you could set a pixel on a webpage and if a certain event happens, it then triggers a response in Mailwizz.

For instance, I have a list that I am sending but don't have a real way to know how far they have moved though my funnel on a website. If they have completed the funnel then I should remove them from this list and move them to a buyers list. I realize there are some ways of just making them sign up to the new list, but it seems to me a real elegant solution would be, if they hit the than you page, it fires the pixel and moves them to the new list. Basically a conversion.



When a certain picture/element on your page is loaded (lets say the page loads some elements only when they go that far), then that (as your site knows when what was loaded) event could trigger an api command to move the user to another list/AR.