Date Added to a List


New Member
We have a string of 60 campaigns that we want to send once per day for 60 days. Each autoresponder is set to trigger on X days after being added to our list (we have a lot of lists).

We would like to make this chain evergreen - so after the 60 emails are sent, we want to update the date_added (or whatever the list system field is called) to today's date and start our 60 day sequence all over again.

I can't see an obvious way to do it, but have to imagine other people have this a similar need before.

Any suggestions @twisted1919 or others would be really appreciated.
I appreciate your response Cosmin. The recurring campaigns would be a problem for us because the campaigns in this "group" or "drip series" change all the time and that would require a tremendous effort to update each campaign with new instructions about its now-previous campaign to invoke after. I've summarized our issue and offered 3 potential solutions.

We currently have 60 autoresponder campaigns that we want to send out once per day for 60 days. The campaigns change frequently, and the number of campaigns changes frequently as well (it might be 5, 28 or 72 for example).

At the conclusion of the final campaign, we would like the entire group to restart from the first campaign and keep doing this in an “Evergreen” fashion.

Mailwizz doesn’t presently support the concept of Drip Campaigns or Campaign Groups.

We are currently invoking campaigns using the X days since date added to the list, the problem is there is no way to reset that date to allow the group of campaigns to restart and run in perpetuity.

Mailwizz offers an option to invoke a campaign X days since the Profile changed – but we have 15 custom fields that change all the time, so that wouldn’t work.

  • GOOD - An enhancement to the AFTER-PROFILE-UPDATE to allow us to specify a specific field which had to be updated. This may be an issue if Mailwizz is using that date globally for some other additional purpose.

  • BETTER - An enhancement that adds a 5th item to this dropdown called AFTER-FIELD-UPDATE which allows us to specify the specific field name.

  • BEST - An enhancement that adds a 5th item to the dropdown called AFTER-START-DATE which refers to a specific custom field called START-DATE. This is a field we could manipulate at will, so there would be no additional UI change needed to add a space to ask which field name had to be modified. We would use it the same way.

This could be a Mailwizz enhancement, an extension or even a custom code change. We just don't want to interfere with Mailwizz updates, but are open to any option.
Appreciate this post... and the options proposed.

We have a similar need, but for different reasons. We have lists where we need to trigger an AR when a subscriber field is updated to a specific value. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this strictly using Segments. But your BEST solution above seems like it would work (i.e. not the way we have our fields right now, but we could change it to instead just populate a START-DATE field which would accomplish the same thing.

Otherwise as it exists, it seems like we would have to duplicate and create entire separate lists, moving subscribers from one to another, in order to accomplish this?