Customer Contact Details Won't Update

My customer logged in from his account, went to top right corner of screen "My Account" button beside Logout. Clicked "Company" (Between Profile and Disable Account) to update company info for use in the footer of their campaign.

Was told that the changes in above file, did not reflect the changes to their campaign.

Any suggestion of why this happened? Any long term solution?

P.S. Only short term fix I found worked was only after telling him to delete all the customer list, all the campaign list and try again. Seemed to solve this short term problem, but hope no more customers call me and ask the same questions in the future.

@HappyMonkeys - That is the base information. Each email list when created will inherit the information from there BUT then you can edit the list and change this information accordingly from the list itself.
Correct, but customer made spelling mistake in company address line. Made changes there, but it did not update right away. Do you know why?
Made changes there, but it did not update right away.
If he just updated the data in his account, it will not affect the data in the lists, in the lists the data will be the same as it was when the list has been created, so he would have to correct it in lists as well.
Think about a subscriber which subscribes to company Y and gives consent for company Y and then the customer decided to be company Z which means nothing to the subscriber, this is the reason we don't cascade update the info.
Better Example: When registering for account, he put down "100 Downing Road". Notices the wrong address when creating a campaign, inserting a footer with default address, does a test send and finds out address mistake which should be "100 Downing Street".

Goes back to top right corner to update correct address in "My Account" button > Company, changes it correctly to read "100 Downing Street".

Does a second campaign test, and it still shows "100 Downing Road". Why is this?
You mean when my ABC customer imports his 100 contacts list, it remembers the ABC company name, address, email and website? So throwing this 100 contacts list away, and starting importing a new 100 contacts list will update his newly corrected address?

But in customer campaign, it still remembers the old address too. Does this also need to be deleted and done again? Or just delete the old contact list will do?

I am not sure what was unclear above, but let me try again.

Customer company info at registration, is optional. If you do not add it, when you create a list, you will have to type the company info manually yourself, for each email list. Now, in order to make things easier for you. if you do provide this info, we will auto fill it when you create a list. Once the list is created, the company info will remain there as it has been saved, it doesn't matter if you as a client change your company info in your profile, the info in the list is totally separate and you have to change it manually for each of your lists.

You mean when my ABC customer imports his 100 contacts list, it remembers the ABC company name, address, email and website?

So throwing this 100 contacts list away, and starting importing a new 100 contacts list will update his newly corrected address?

But in customer campaign, it still remembers the old address too.
Of course it does, the campaigns that are sent are sent without you being able to modify them in any way.
Remember that in campaigns, you use [COMPANY_FULL_ADDRESS] which adds your company info which is extracted from the list used for the campaign.