Cron Jobs not running


New Member
Im hoping somebody could help me please, when I set up MailWizz on a plesk server, I experienced issues with Cron jobs throwing errors, so I moved the platform to our dedicated server using cPanel, and experienced the same issue, I put a ticket into our server support and they checked the cron had been set up correctly, which it had and run the cron through command line and the error messages went away, however, on doing a test send yesterday, nothing was sent and this morning I had the below error messages within the system, the same as before, only before it was an error message for every cron, not it is just these 3, can anybody advise on what I should do please?

  • The "send-campaigns" command did not run in the last 12 hours. Please check your cron jobs and make sure they are properly set!
  • The "queue" command did not run in the last 12 hours. Please check your cron jobs and make sure they are properly set!
  • The "send-transactional-emails" command did not run in the last 12 hours. Please check your cron jobs and make sure they are properly set!
Im hoping somebody could help me please, when I set up MailWizz on a plesk server, I experienced issues with Cron jobs throwing errors, so I moved the platform to our dedicated server using cPanel, and experienced the same issue, I put a ticket into our server support and they checked the cron had been set up correctly, which it had and run the cron through command line and the error messages went away, however, on doing a test send yesterday, nothing was sent and this morning I had the below error messages within the system, the same as before, only before it was an error message for every cron, not it is just these 3, can anybody advise on what I should do please?
Are you sure the cron job in question is added into your hosting panel and it runs at the frequency we recommend? Can you add a screenshot of the way your cron jobs look like on your hosting account?

Also, if you go inside Backend > Misc > Cron Jobs History, can you filter by this cron job and see when it ran last time?
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

I followed the official video on the MailWizz website to set up the cron jobs and did it exactly as it said to it in the video obviously using the commands given within MailWizz, I set them up in my cPanel cron jobs exactly as instructed in the video, I also had our support on the server take a look in case I had got something wrong and they said that I had set them up correctly, and when they ran through the command line the error messages disappeared.

Looking at the history they all ran yesteray with success between 1.19pm - 1.22pm which would be when they were run by our server hosts through the command line.


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Looking at the history they all ran yesteray with success between 1.19pm - 1.22pm which would be when they were run by our server hosts through the command line.
Then they should do so when added in crontab, I don't see any reason, even if they run with error, they still be triggered by the crontab.
And they do not, which means two things:
1. Your crontab daemon on the server is not running - slim chances
2. There's a permissions issue with your files, such that, your files are owned by a user and the crontab is ran under a different user, with less privileges, which cannot execute the files, so have your hosting look into this.