Creating a custom skin


I'm wanting to create a custom skin for backend and customer apps, no template changes, just some CSS color overrides like the skins that you can choose from Settings --> Customization

What is the best way to do this?
@bolty - if you create a file named style-custom.css in /customer/assets/css folder, then that will be autoloaded by mailwizz everywhere in customer area. You can do the same for backend and frontend.
Additionally, creating a file named skin-*.css in assets/css will make it appear in the dropdown allowing you to select it.

Quick question. I am creating a new skin as advised by twisted1919, however after uploading it and selecting the skin for my customers, the issue is when it loads, it loads the default css, adminlte.css. Any way to change that to our custom css?
Quick question. I am creating a new skin as advised by twisted1919, however after uploading it and selecting the skin for my customers, the issue is when it loads, it loads the default css, adminlte.css. Any way to change that to our custom css?
The default css adminlte need to be loaded because there are the default styles for entire app. You need to create new css file like twisted1919 says above and make sure you overwrite default styles which are by default in adminlte css file.

For example in adminlte you have this style:
.box-title {
    font-size: 18px;
    margin: 0;
    line-height: 1;

and if you want for this class to make font size bigger simply add for font-size another value in your custom style file:
.box-title {
    font-size: 20px; // Increase font size for this class
also you can add another properties for this class, depends on your needs.