Complaint Report not working

Chander bhan

New Member
I'm new to Mailwizz. Before few months I bought Mailwizz application. Now I Configured Feedback Loop Server also as bounce server, But I'm not getting any Report. You Can Also Check below image as marked as read


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Hello Chander,

In your FBL Server - can you login to that Email id and see any complaint email there.
No sir,

I Can't see any Email in FBL one. As I Have Also Signed up with Yahoo postmaster, Whenever someone marks my Email as Spam Yahoo sends me an Email regarding that individual.
No sir,

I Can't see any Email in FBL one. As I Have Also Signed up with Yahoo postmaster, Whenever someone marks my Email as Spam Yahoo sends me an Email regarding that individual.
When you see Email in FBL one then you check it process or not.
Still Not Working, As I've joined Yahoo CFL, I get Report when someone marks my Mail as spam. But I'm Not Getting any Complaint in My Campaign Details
Still Not Working, As I've joined Yahoo CFL, I get Report when someone marks my Mail as spam. But I'm Not Getting any Complaint in My Campaign Details
Did you checked particular complaint Email ID status on database ?
it should be unsubscribe or deleted if it working !
More important, you need to get emails in those boxes so that mailwizz is able to download and process them.


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@Chander bhan - those are the email addresses where various providers will send the complaints. Some of them send to postmaster, some to abuse and some to fbl, and some to any of these in combination.
I'm Receiving "Pleaseunsubscribeme!" on My Mail ID using i Send bulk Emails. Is happening Because people Are marking my Mail Spam
No. Actually you get this because you have a good sender reputation and gmail shows their unsubscribe button for your subscribers, which they press. This is the button i am talking about:
Screenshot 2020-06-02 11.38.10.png
If you want to process these messages automatically, see: