Click stats do not appear

Carlos Martinez

New Member
Hello, I have been using MW for a few months with sparkpost and everything is perfect but a few weeks ago in the statistics section I no longer have data about url or clicks on them, what is the problem? Thank you.
It's hard to say with only this information. Have you tried to include your email in a campaign and open/click the emails and see what's happening ?
If of course I have tried with my email but does not reflect click statistics, at this moment send a campaign and click on them and nothing is not statistic.


  • mailwizz.png
    805.6 KB · Views: 41
I actually had this problem once.

if i remember right you should go to your sparkpost account select Account -> SMTP relay and click "ENABLE tracking"
Then it should work.


  • Skærmbillede 2016-12-13 kl. 13.05.46.png
    Skærmbillede 2016-12-13 kl. 13.05.46.png
    88.6 KB · Views: 18
@Carlos Martinez - There's def. something wrong with your sending settings or something.
Looking at what you sent at i can see there is no tracking link for opens in the email footer.
Also i see the only link in email is not converted into a tracking link, but it's still a short link.
Check your campaigns settings, try with another template...
@Carlos Martinez - There's def. something wrong with your sending settings or something.
Looking at what you sent at i can see there is no tracking link for opens in the email footer.
Also i see the only link in email is not converted into a tracking link, but it's still a short link.
Check your campaigns settings, try with another template...
Already make the change with a normal url and perform the click and still do not appear in the statistics.