Ckeditor dont work in user area and in template builder


New Member
ckeditor enabled in extension but dont work in customer area and in template editor in admin area.
And in same time ckeditor work in backend/index.php/settings/customers/common.
Any idea how i can enable it in template editor and in customer area.

2017-10-06_17-19-42.png 2017-10-06_17-25-18.png
additional info
javascript errors when im try to load page with template editor

Loading <script> from source «http://mydomain/mailwizz/mailwizz/frontend/assets/cache/ext-email-template-builder/languages/en.js» failed.
Loading <script> from source «http://mydomain/mailwizz/mailwizz/f...-template-builder/static/js/main.ef3a362e.js» failed.
Loading <script> from source «http://mydomain/mailwizz/mailwizz/» failed.
ReferenceError: TemplateBuilderHandler is not defined

i can see wrong path with double directori "mailwizz/mailwizz/.." correct path with one "mailwizz/..." how i can fix it?