Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email


New Member
Hello, I know this issue has been widely discussed in many threads tried everything mentioned on these threads and still no luck.

I'm getting the following error: Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available

My setup is done as follows:

  1. This is a customer account and not an admin account
  2. Delivery server has been assigned to the customer account
  3. No group has been attached to the user or the delivery server (I also tried doing it that way but no luck.)
  4. Test email on validation works fine.
  5. Bounce server has been added.
  6. PHP Version: 5.6.38
  7. Using Amazon SES SMTP
  8. Everything mentioned on this page has already been checked:
Logged in as the customer, I can also see the delivery server.

Cron Settings:

Customers> Servers Settings:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
@andb - Can you confirm you're using same PHP version in web server(where the website runs) and also in command line (where cron jobs run)? Check Backend > Misc > PHP Info.
Hello, I know this issue has been widely discussed in many threads tried everything mentioned on these threads and still no luck.

I'm getting the following error: Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available

My setup is done as follows:

  1. This is a customer account and not an admin account
  2. Delivery server has been assigned to the customer account
  3. No group has been attached to the user or the delivery server (I also tried doing it that way but no luck.)
  4. Test email on validation works fine.
  5. Bounce server has been added.
  6. PHP Version: 5.6.38
  7. Using Amazon SES SMTP
  8. Everything mentioned on this page has already been checked:
Logged in as the customer, I can also see the delivery server.

Cron Settings:

Customers> Servers Settings:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Which MW Version you are using ?
As for AWS SES, we have API feature to easily integrate.
Which MW Version you are using ?
As for AWS SES, we have API feature to easily integrate.

Version is 1.6.5.

I prefer to use the smtp because of easier policy configuration under aws since it's gonna be used by multiple customers.