Can someone help me please ?


New Member
I created a free group that allows anyone to fully use the system, so far no problem.

I tested the system and here is what I see:

- I make a fictitious registration
- The system records registration well

But in the backend impossible to delete the fictitious client by clicking delete, the system indicating the status in "pending delete" without possibility to delete it completely.

Why is it impossible to delete a client while I am the admin of the system?

Is there an option that has not been set correctly in the system to immediately delete any client?

Does anyone know of this problem or could help me solve this problem?

Thank you in advance
Dont worry, the user will get delete within 24hrs. The user is set to pending-delete and then once the cron jobs run (once per 24hrs) the user will be removed completely :)
Well understood your answer (and thank you :)), however it would have been wiser if the client account could be deleted immediately without waiting for the execution of the cron job
When a client account is set to pending-delete the account is no longer active so no one can login to that account so it doesnt really make a difference :)
Can you tell me clearly how the system works ...

The customer registers ok.
Then an email is sent automatically by the system to the admin indicating that a new customer has made his registration with the details of the customer.

I would like to know where from these emails, how to make changes to these emails, how to create new templates managed by the system.

I find no trace of this possibility in the application.

There is the option "list page types", but no information about the emails sent by the system at the time of registration of a customer.

Complicated for me to understand

Can you explain step-by-step how to manage and modify admin-side system emails?

Thank to you
Backend > Settings > Email Template

You can change the design of the emails there, how ever you cant change the content of the emails.
There is a way but i dont think you should do it. You could edit this file:


Thats where you can edit the content of the email. But make sure you dont change the PHP coding unless you know what you are doing, always make a backup!

<?php echo Yii::t('customers', 'A new customer registration has been made as follows:');?><br />
<?php foreach ($customer->getAttributes(array('first_name', 'last_name', 'email')) as $attributeName => $attributeValue) { ?>
<?php echo $customer->getAttributeLabel($attributeName);?>: <?php echo $attributeValue;?> <br />
<?php } ?>
<br />
<?php echo Yii::t('customers', 'The customer details url is as follows:');?><br />
<?php echo CHtml::link($customerUrl, $customerUrl);?> <br />
however it would have been wiser if the client account could be deleted immediately without waiting for the execution of the cron job
Nope, this is disastrous actually. Try to delete a client with 100 campaigns and 100 lists and 10M subscribers. You will simply never be able to do this from the web interface. Doing it from command line is the only sane way ;) So the way it works now is the right way ;)