Campaigns stucked in pending sending status


New Member

I have a weird problem since today. I have installed Mailwizz 15 days ago and I was able to send emails to 3500+ email address using PHP mail without problem.

Today I created an Amazon SES API delivery server (verified). Everything went smooth until I tried to send a test campaign to 5 of my coworkers. The campaign was stucked in pending sending status. I checked everything, but I noticed these messages from the application log: - 2015/02/24 16:11:02 [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available! -

I deleted the Amazon SES delivery server and created again the PHP mail server. I thought that I would be able to send mails again but the campaign is stuck in the pending sending status.

I appreciate your help. This is urgent for our customers.



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Right now, how many active delivery servers do you have?
Are those servers System servers?
Are your customers allowed to send from them ?

Well, thanks for the tip. The system server is going well, but I still dont know why the Amazon SES was stucked.
Any ideas?

Hi, I have about the same problem too.
I just installed it, I add delivery server and validate it and though I can send successfully an email to myself through the send test email button, when I am creating a campaign it stuck at pending-sending status. I set the time (TTL) to half an hour

I would appreciate any help
Hi, I have about the same problem too.
I can send successfully an email to myself through the send test email, but when I am creating a campaign it stuck at pending-sending status.
I noticed these messages from the application log: - [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available! -
Have you setup a validated delivery server? Backend > Servers > Delivery Servers

You also need to make sure it is available to be used by your customer's accounts or you can assign you customer user specifically to that delivery server using the customer lock function.
yes, I defined delivery server and could send campaign successfully yesterday but now just sent campaign tests.
I noticed these messages from the application log: - [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available! -
Have you made any changes to your customer account by adding it to a group for instance? That error message is exactly what it says, that customer account doesn't have access to a valid delivery server.

In the backend assign your customer account or group to a specific delivery server and run another campaign.