Campaigns like as sent but not sent


All works well and sudenly I have this issue:
When I send a campaign that seems works well : processing (1%) ...processing (80%)... Then sending (1%)...Then "sent" .
But the problem is that the campaign is not sent, I see that in my SMTP server. I tried it also with sparkpost and it's the same problem, no email sent.

Example of a campaign:
In the page campaigns/index i have this :
All OpUnt0217 - No Sent (100%) 4/11/17, 12:20 AM 4/11/17, 12:20 AM

I click on the campaign in the report I have this :
Recipients 0

I click on the list All OpUnt0217 : I have this

Recently sent campaigns
Recipients 0
List/Segment All OpUnt0217 (111,040 confirmed subscribers)
@roland - please see my previous reply and try to send another campaign while watching the campaigns delivery logs area., let's see if it logs any error there.
I have this error in backend > misc > campaign delivery logs

Connection could not be established with host [Connection refused #111] Log data: ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host [Connection refused #111] (code: 0)

Yes that works thanks. I delete the server and added it again and that works. I have a lot o servers. I must do the same to all servers?