Campaign Suppression List


Active Member
Hello, how does the suppression list work exactly?
I've added an email address in a suppression list, but after sending a campaign including that same address, the email got delivered normally.

So how does the suppression list work, exactly?
@Michael Wilding - Yes, it is a new feature, basically you can have as many suppression lists as you wish as a customer and select them in a campaign to check the campaign emails against them.
If you enable the "Use own blacklist" feature from /backend/index.php/settings/customers/lists then customers will see a new menu item in the customers area where they can define their own suppression lists, which later can be used in campaigns.
Hello, I use version 1.5.1, and I'd enabled the option at the backend to use 'Settings>Customers>Lists>Use own blacklist'.
I could not locate the new 'menu item to define own suppression list' in Cusotmer's area.
Can someone help please.