Bounce Handler getting stuck again on 1.5.1

Hi again twisted... could you log into my server and help me figure out the root of this issue once and for all. I don't care if it's my server doing something I just want your help with what that is pretty please. My list is already pretty clean so I am going to just leave it alone. The only thing I did so far is reset the bounce handler. It has been working fine since I upgraded and have been using the service for my newsletter on this server.
@Mike Oltmans - It's pretty much impossible for the bounce handler to remain stuck, we reset it's status everytime it runs, so even if it shows cron-running for a longer period of time and it gets stuck, next time when the cron runs, will reset it's status and will process it.
well impossible is happening :( even after resetting it nothing is being processed and there is a good 10k emails that get processed each sendout as soft and internal and a good 30 that get processed as hard. Last nights sendout starting at 10PM shows zeroes across the board. Can I PM you my login information and if needed my server ssh access?

I will call my server company to see what is going on with server end.
Can I PM you my login information and if needed my server ssh access?
Before doing this, can you confirm the bounce handler is set to look back a few good days, like 10 for example ?
I am thinking maybe you have older bounces which the handler does not pick. See backend > Settings > Cron > Bounce settings.
I found the issue... any thoughts on what this means to you and how I can fix it? The bounce handler cleared out the emails so it did its job.

2018/01/25 23:50:01 [error] [system.db.CDbCommand] CDbCommand::execute() failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '159-22596' for key 'cid_sid'. The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO `mw_campaign_bounce_log` (`bounce_type`, `processed`, `campaign_id`, `subscriber_id`, `message`, `date_added`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, NOW()).
2018/01/25 23:50:01 [error] [application] CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '159-22596' for key 'cid_sid'
2018/01/26 00:50:02 [error] [system.db.CDbCommand] CDbCommand::execute() failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '159-1231' for key 'cid_sid'. The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO `mw_campaign_bounce_log` (`bounce_type`, `processed`, `campaign_id`, `subscriber_id`, `message`, `date_added`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, NOW()).
2018/01/26 00:50:02 [error] [application] CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '159-1231' for key 'cid_sid'
2018/01/26 01:20:02 [error] [system.db.CDbCommand] CDbCommand::execute() failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '159-68740' for key 'cid_sid'. The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO `mw_campaign_bounce_log` (`bounce_type`, `processed`, `campaign_id`, `subscriber_id`, `message`, `date_added`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, NOW()).
2018/01/26 01:20:02 [error] [application] CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '159-68740' for key 'cid_sid'
2018/01/26 01:30:02 [error] [system.db.CDbCommand] CDbCommand::execute() failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '148-17191' for key 'cid_sid'. The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO `mw_campaign_bounce_log` (`bounce_type`, `processed`, `campaign_id`, `subscriber_id`, `message`, `date_added`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, NOW()).
I think is safe to ignore these errors above. What is happening is that, if for some reason you get same bounce two times, mailwizz only allows it once, so a second attempt to insert in database, results in such error, but it can be ignored.
Also I have set the server to look 10 days back but since I run a newsletter everyday except sat to sun this seems a non-issue since it cleans out the inbox after each sweep.