Bounce Emails With Haraka


New Member
Hey guys, I'm having difficulty setting up my bounce email server with Haraka. We got it to send but can't get the bounce servers to work.

Here is our configuration for our bounce server:
Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 2.59.13 PM.png

Has anyone used haraka before and can help me out please?
@collinglass - do you get any particular error, did you associate the bounce server with the delivery server?
When you send an email via haraka, is the Return-Path header set to the proper email address?
Hey guys, I'm having difficulty setting up my bounce email server with Haraka. We got it to send but can't get the bounce servers to work.

Here is our configuration for our bounce server:
View attachment 2074

Has anyone used haraka before and can help me out please?

try a bounce address of the domain you are having haraka on / you are sending from
Hey thank you for replying. We're noticing that Haraka does not support IMAP or POP. Even though it has some plugins for handling bounce. Is there a way to hook mailwizz up for bounces with Haraka? (

If not, do you recommend an open source bounce server to use?

Thanks, awaiting your reply.
Hey thank you for replying. We're noticing that Haraka does not support IMAP or POP. Even though it has some plugins for handling bounce. Is there a way to hook mailwizz up for bounces with Haraka? (

If not, do you recommend an open source bounce server to use?

Thanks, awaiting your reply.

haraka is for sending/smtp

pop3/imap could be done by dovecot

maybe this is useful

what kind of a server/control panel/software do u have?
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Hey Guys, we have installed dovecot on our haraka server and have configured it. We are still unable to get the bounces through mailwizz working and it's very frustrating. We are using postgres and have followed this tutorial up until a certain point since we are using haraka instead of postfix: ( The problem we are encountering is that we see the mail being saved but for some reason we think we are not able to access remote with imap. I have uploaded my Dovecot Config. Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can even pm me and i can add your public key to our server for access.

Thank you


Hello, we're trying to set bounces server using Haraka, and we too have problems with bounce processing.
Haraka apparently puts the header of bounced emails in an attachment, so Mailwizz should read the header not from the email itself, but from the file attached to the email.
Is this behaviour supported by MW? Could this be the reason why bounces are not being processed?
@Niko - I don't know how haraka works, if it complies to the standard RFC then we should have no issue.
Maybe you can export a full bounce email in a .txt file and send it to me so that i can see what's in it ?
@Niko - The contents you sent me look pretty okay, those should be processed just fine.
Does mailwizz connects to the bounce server do you see this in the logs ?
@Niko - The contents you sent me look pretty okay, those should be processed just fine.
Does mailwizz connects to the bounce server do you see this in the logs ?
So mwz processes the email and its attachments fully, searching all for info it needs to do the bounce processing, even if the formats are other than plain text, e.g. html, zip, xml, etc?
@Niko - The contents you sent me look pretty okay, those should be processed just fine.
Does mailwizz connects to the bounce server do you see this in the logs ?
mwizz connects, does fetch logs, delete logs but they are unable the find the campaign id or something