Block email requests


For "Block email requests", can you add a column for Confirmed (or not) for a future revision?

Thank you
For "Block email requests", can you add a column for Confirmed (or not) for a future revision?
Why you need this column? Basically if a subscriber insert the email there in the most of the cases this will be confirmed.
I'm not using it in that way.
I have a forum that I send email to. Some of these accounts are 20 years old. They are mostly work email, and some of these people have moved on.
When I send the email, some bounce.
I want to make sure they don't have a newsletter account too.
I found this method much easier than searching for the user.
I know it sounds silly and only takes a few more seconds to search, but when you are looking up over a thousand accounts, those few seconds help.
I then want to make sure I marked them as confirmed.
Also, is there a way to import email addresses? That would be even easier. I have over 2k to enter.
I do not need the site to send an email to each user to validate; these are confirmed bad emails that I simply want on the blacklist.
Would it be as simple as importing them into a single table? This would save me many hours of work.
I do not need the site to send an email to each user to validate; these are confirmed bad emails that I simply want on the blacklist.
Would it be as simple as importing them into a single table? This would save me many hours of work.
Why not import them into the global blacklist? The email blacklist in the backend?
