blk{mx} - your free email blacklist monitor!

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Staff member
Hi guys,

Lately, as you might have noticed i have been a bit absent from the forums, i am sorry for that, but the main reason is that i shifted some of my time into creating a service to help MailWizz customers a bit more.

This free service will help you monitor the hosts from where you send emails(your smtp servers, your sending domains, own servers, etc etc) and in case they get blacklisted to any of the known email blacklists, you will get notified via email so that you can take proper actions and get delisted.

For now we conduct the blacklist checks against a bit over 100 email blacklists using few different servers located in Amsterdam, London, Toronto and San Francisco, and we will be adding more in future.
We're actually thinking to create our own blacklist too because we try to be more responsible for how MailWizz is getting used around the world.

For now the service will allow you to monitor up to 10 hosts and keep 10 latest reports for each host so that you will have a nice history. We're going to allow more once the service is settled and we iron out any bugs that will appear when the service is heavily used.

The service url is Please keep in mind that we're still in beta, issues might arise here and there, so please let us know via contact in case you spot anything weird or you have any suggestion.

Hopefully you'll find the utility of this service ;)
Thank you!
Hi twisted1919,

I have already signed for your service with 10 smtp servers and it works ok!
One of my servers was being blacklisted and your system alert me by email of this.

Why reazon can we only add 10 servers?
Are you going to offer more capacity, let's say, to be able to monitor 20 servers at the same time?


Carlos from Santiago, Chile
Hey everyone. Just thought this could be helpful to share, I've been using this complete IP check for sending Mailservers

This is a free multiple DNSBL (DNS BlackList aka RBL) lookup and FCrDNS (Forward Confirmed reverse DNS aka iprev) check tool.

Here's an easy trick to check your IP:[REPLACE HERE WITH YOUR IP].html

and just open more browser tab to simultaneously check.

@twisted1919 Wow :)
We have been using
Now migrating to your service; as we love every-bit coming from your end :)

And a small feedback; if can pull result data from Google Postmasters and Microsoft SNDS; then it can become world class tool. Because, as of now there are no other tools available who can show this much of depth inside one dashboard. Also, these days and coming down the lane, Google and Microsoft are only the dominant plays using their own insights to manage their mailbox services.
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@twisted1919 Well the biggest diffeence between Mailchimp (cloud based) and Mailwizz (Self Hosting) is self hosting and no doubt in self hosting emailing app Mailwizz has edge over its competitors to maintain the same such plugin inevitable.

If is self hosted app then your effort is justifiable if not then whats the difference between your service and some other cloud driven blacklisting services i.e. hetrix ?

bytheway In terms of pricing hetrix offers 32ips and domain names to monitor free of cost and then USD 10/month for up to 240Ips and domains.
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If is self hosted app then your effort is justifiable if not then whats the difference between your service and some other cloud driven blacklisting services i.e. hetrix ?
Wait, do i have to justify my effort to now ? :O
Kidding aside, the difference is that this is mine and i can shape it as i need to ;)
bytheway In terms of pricing hetrix offers 32ips and domain names to monitor free of cost and then USD 10/month for up to 240Ips and domains.
We're in beta now so we offer 10 ips only, but we will allow more and for free, for example, 50 just to beat hetrix free offer.
Htrix looks good but this does not mean it is unbeatable, i like chalanges ;)
Instead of developing such tool (reinventing the wheel) you should have invested your strength while developing a plugin for mailwizz to integrate blacklisting monitoring feature right in Mailwizz dashboard.

Now when the justifying part :) has been cleared out it could be good to know that there is absolutely nothing that prevents you from developing such a plugin yourself, or have someone else do it for you. On the contrary, Mailwizz is gifted with a very useful API which enables all of us to develop a lot of additional functionality to make Mailwizz even better. My team is allocated to develop some 34 plugins and one theme for Mailwizz to customize it to our needs. Without the API this would have been a nightmare.

(Oh and yes, there is an API for HetrixTools too:

Good luck!
@twisted1919 There is already a sophisticated modern blacklisting tool

Instead of developing such tool (reinventing the wheel) you should have invested your strength while developing a plugin for mailwizz to integrate blacklisting monitoring feature right in Mailwizz dashboard.

While one can hope that all of s/o's time goes into one thing (debugging/enhancing mwz), we cannot dictate/expect that.

@twisted1919 is a free man and can allocate his time any way he wants (at least me thinx).

One might wish that developer priorities are aligned with user priorities, and the mwz creator has proven that many times in the past.

How this project develops (hosted, extension, hybrid, or else) remains to be seen, and we can make helpful input (feedback, code, other resources, etc).

but having our own service without any limitation, where we have full control, well, that's what we are after
which controls do you have in mind?

Kidding aside, the difference is that this is mine and i can shape it as i need to
no worries, as long as you are at least a "benevolent dictator", it's fine :D

it could be good to know that there is absolutely nothing that prevents you from developing such a plugin yourself, or have someone else do it for you. On the contrary, Mailwizz is gifted with a very useful API which enables all of us to develop a lot of additional functionality to make Mailwizz even better
very true, and our experience is, that it rarely one should be all the more grateful to @twisted1919 for this free and mwz-complementing tool !!!:cool:
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If is self hosted app then your effort is justifiable if not then whats the difference between your service and some other cloud driven blacklisting services i.e. hetrix ?

I am agree with this one. But It does not mean @twisted1919 should not develop if it is same,... then he should not develop MailWizz too. Because, already lot of Email Marketing Script is already available on web. But MailWizz is different and winner. Because, it's provide perfect Email Marketing Script on a Unexpected price.

Maybe.. There will be everything same in too. Maybe twisted will launch with 10 time cheaper than

i have saw pricing and it has two two different pricing. 1st One for black listed and other one for Uptime monitor. But, maybe comes with blacklist monitor + uptime monitor with single cheap price?

i also saw that in their pricing... there are some things complicated.... like.. if you just want to monitor 500 ips but you want all other feature of Enterprise plan. So, in this case you will have to purchase Enterprise Plan of $49. And maybe you get friendly features in cheap price at

So, do not complain too much.... just make this tool more powerful with your help and suggestion :)
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