[BETA] Mailwizz - 1.5.4

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Most of the emails in our list is from Gmail.

Mailwhizz registers IP of the ESP and not the user.

For instance, I use gmail and am from India, but my IP in mailwhizz system is USA based.

How does your timewrap solution circumvent this?
Mailwhizz registers IP of the ESP and not the user.
mwz records the geo-location of the IP of the clicker, which most of the time is the subscriber, only sometimes the ISP have link checkers, and in such case, one might get more than one IP recorded, but it is the last one per unique link that remains.
How safe is it to use this release in production?

I cannot test unless in production
Protected with mutexes the ListSubscriber::copyToList and ListSubscriber::moveToList methods to avoid duplicates

You have the background to this via my support ticket
@developer - i'd say it is safe enough but you never know, my advice is to either have a separate copy of mailwizz after the live and test it there, or have a backup and be ready to restore if things work bad.
Nice work!

Is subscriber IP fetch to List included in this release? :D


Where it takes the Open/click ID and puts in on the List?
@kosir - I can confirm this has been added now. If you want to do the change yourself, is very simple, open web/apps/common/models/DeliveryServer.php and at line 2599 make sure you make it like:
'visible'   => true,
Save the file and that's it.
Okay....sorry about that.

I just noticed
'send.campaigns.command.useTempQueueTables' => true,
is giving my app issue. I have been using it before and it has been working well.

Suddenly all campaigns isn't processing but stuck at "sending" I did a deep investigation and I discovered that it is the above code causing such issue because anytime I remove the code the campaign continues sending.

Any fix for that? My campaigns are now slow without
'send.campaigns.command.useTempQueueTables' => true,
unlike before.

Thank you!!!
@Kollydaton - Try to debug the send campaigns as shown at https://kb.mailwizz.com/articles/debug-send-campaigns-command/
I doubt this is what causes your issue now.

Hi bruh,
Thanks for the feed back. I have added the code back then debug the campaigns....After debugging the campaigns command I saw this error
[2018-04-24 07:30:51] - Starting the work for this batch...
[2018-04-24 07:30:51] - Loading 17 campaigns, starting with offset 0...
[2018-04-24 07:30:51] - Found 9 campaigns and now starting processing them...
[2018-04-24 07:30:51] - Since PCNTL is active, we will send 50 campaigns in parallel and for each campaign, 20 batches of subscribers in parallel.
[2018-04-24 07:30:51] - Temporary changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2018-04-24 07:30:52] - Restoring the campaign status to SENDING!
[2018-04-24 07:30:52] - Temporary changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2018-04-24 07:30:52] - Restoring the campaign status to SENDING!
[2018-04-24 07:30:52] - 221: CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQL STATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't.send_at' in 'where clause'                                                                             '
[root@ng ~]#

How to fix this ?

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