Autoresponse send email every time the same email is registered


New Member
This feature is really incredible, in the tests that I did, if the user registers 2 or more times in the same form he only receives the auto answer once.

However, I need him to receive the autoresponder email every time I'm manipulating the autoresponder with twig, according to the tags he's selecting.


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I think i am missing something here, but:
if the user registers 2 or more times in the same form
The user can only be registered only once in a list, so in your case, how do you subscribe it twice, or is it about the fact the subscriber updates his profile?
Hi @twisted1919 In my case the user downloads an eBook and it goes to the eBooks list, but if he wants to download again, he should be able and should again receive the email with the link.
Hi @twisted1919 In my case the user downloads an eBook and it goes to the eBooks list, but if he wants to download again, he should be able and should again receive the email with the link.


But what is the point in that, why cant he just go to the email he got in the first place and download it again? MailWizz doesnt allow a user to be added to the same list more than once, mainly because theres no need for it as you'll be spamming the user with multiple emails when you go to send emails out.

I think in your case for it to work you'll need a custom script creating to check if the user is already in the list or not the user gets added, if the user already belongs to the list then it will still send an email out but not add them to the list.

So I do not want to add the user 2 times, I want the auto reply to be sent every time the user registers his email.
In the autoresponder I have a TWIG that selects the eBook that he chose and sends to his email the download link
What you can do is in the List settings where it says Sub. exists redirect you can just put the url to the e-book. That way if MailWizz finds the email is already registered on your list then it will just take them straight to the e-book.
Yeah! This sounds like a great idea. in mailwizz I make a condition with twig passing the variable ebook = [ebook number] and then generating the link, but if I'm going to send it to a sub page, can I pass this parameter to forward the selected ebook link?
I dont think passing a parameter will work in the url for Sub. exists redirect.

You can try it but something tells me it wont work.
If you have different e-books then your probably better creating a list for each e-book. That way you can have a different re-direct link based on each e-book.