Autoresponder Campaigns stopped sending

Ralf Skirr

New Member
What do I need to do to troubleshoot this?

Autoresponders were working fine before. After server upgrade it seems the campaigns aren't sending anymore. Cron jobs are working. PHP is 7.1.
mw02.jpg mw01.jpg
I can't get this to work. Trying in Putty I get "permission denied", trying to run it via browser doesn't do a thing.

In my web hosting I can't run the command directly. I have the cron set to a custom PHP script with the "exec" command which then runs the PATH/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --verbose=1

Any other ideas?
You can redirect the output of cron job in a log file :

PATH/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --verbose=1 > /path/Logfile

Keep attention because the log file growth fast.
So, here's the log of campaign sending.
  • I have 7 autoresponder campaigns.
  • The cron job is processing 5 of them, according to the log below.
  • The 6th campaign ID9 is at "sending 55%", and not mentioned in the cron log below.
  • The 7th campaign ID11 is at "pending sending", and not mentioned in the cron log below.
  • There has been a campaign ID10 that was stuck at "pending sending" for about 7 weeks. I deleted it yesterday. ID11 is a copy of that.
Any ideas what to look for next?

[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Starting the work for this batch...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Loading 5 campaigns, starting with offset 0...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Found 5 campaigns and now starting processing them...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 1
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This campaign belongs to Ralf Michael Skirr(uid: rq7509ww59946).
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid py445rmtrg366...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...

[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 4
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This campaign belongs to Ralf Michael Skirr(uid: rq7509ww59946).
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid ah509vm5zkb5d...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...

[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 5
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This campaign belongs to Ralf Michael Skirr(uid: rq7509ww59946).
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid dq906wmrmh425...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...

[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 6
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This campaign belongs to Ralf Michael Skirr(uid: rq7509ww59946).
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid zs359h88489f2...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...

[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 7
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This campaign belongs to Ralf Michael Skirr(uid: rq7509ww59946).
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid aj694hmah817d...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...

[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - This cycle completed in 0.21 seconds and used 6 MB of memory!
[2019-07-07 08:51:01] - CPU usage in last minute: 0.00, in last 5 minutes: 0.00, in last 15 minutes: 0.00!


  • mw-campaigns.gif
    55.8 KB · Views: 7
@Ralf Skirr - you need to set that option to the number off all campaigns (regular and autoresponders), also you can set in Backend -> Settings -> Cron -> Adjust campaigns at once * to YES and then mailwizz automatically adjust and optimize the number of campaigns at once.