autoresponder campaigns sending mechanism a


Active Member
Hi, it's a simple qustion, what happen if we have lots of autoresponder campaigns? (such as 2000 active sending campagins)
In cron setting we setup "Campaigns at once * = 50", and does it mean it just send 50 autoresponder campaigns and regular ? or mailwizz have other way for sending autoresponder campaigns?
how mailwizz send autorespond emails?
@majid1f - you can let mailwizz adjust the number of campaigns for you, just turn on that setting from the backend > settings > cron.
Thanks, I set But I mean, Do autoresponders campaigns "Sending Status" count as these 50 ?
That means there are up to 50 campaigns to send?
Yes, that applies to all campaigns, ar and regular.
You can do this if you want more control.
realy good jobs but it's good job for regular campaigns and if we had some customers that create autoresponders campaigns quickly will be have lots of active sending campaigns,
* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/domain/public_html/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --campaigns_type=autoresponder --campaigns_limit=10 --campaigns_offset=0 >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/domain/public_html/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --campaigns_type=autoresponder --campaigns_limit=10 --campaigns_offset=10 >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/domain/public_html/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --campaigns_type=autoresponder --campaigns_limit=10 --campaigns_offset=20 >/dev/null 2>&1
In this scenario, we will have a maximum of 30
‌but what we should do for much more than this ?
basic question:
All sending status campaign in: /backend/campaigns/autoresponder
will be count as this 30 ?
or this : backend/misc/campaigns-delivery-logs
campaigns that didn't processed ?
I mean you handle campaigns with queues ?
but what we should do for much more than this ?
Just increase the limits and offsets, and if need be use different timings for the crons. Then with more processing power and higher processes (pcntl) you get it all done.