API: $response sends empty body


New Member
I'm at a loss with a problem in the Mailwizz API.

I'm using the following php Code to create a new sub:
$endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\ListSubscribers();
    $response = $endpoint->create('100% correct list ID', [
        'EMAIL'    => $email
    echo json_encode($response);

The sub is created correctly, but the $response is weird, because it does not contain a body or status as it should.
And if I'm trying to pull the new entry from the database, the code completely fails:

$endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\ListSubscribers();
$response = $endpoint->emailSearch('100% correct list ID', $email);
echo json_encode($response);

The printed response does not contain usable data. Here is the output:
{"url":"100% correct URL/search-by-email?EMAIL="correct Email","headers":null,"contentType":"application\/json; charset=UTF-8","httpMessage":"OK","curlCode":0,"curlMessage":"","storeCurlInfo":false,"curlInfo":null,"body":{},"request":null}

As you can see the body is empty, this code used to work a month ago. I made many changes across the homepage but nothing, that MailWizz should care about. Any ideas on how to fix this? I have debugging turned on, but no errors are thrown.
Hey twisted!
Thank you so much for helping me out. The response with print_r() is:

 EmsApi\Params Object ( [_data:EmsApi\Params:private] => Array ( ) [_readOnly:EmsApi\Params:private] => )

Any ideas on this?
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