API (or code) to get all the campaigns that were opened by a person



Given a campaign, I know that we can see all the people who opened it under https://mail.matrixlead.com/customer/campaigns/CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID/reports/open-unique.

I have sent lots of campaigns. Now, given a person (a subscriber or unsubscriber), I would like to get, by API or code, all the campaigns that he/she opened.

I'm wondering if I can use the API https://api-docs.mailwizz.com/#track-subscriber-open. I tried the following code

$endpointCampaignsTracking = new EmsApi\Endpoint\CampaignsTracking();
$response1 = $endpointCampaignsTracking->trackOpening('sc942mcoca07b', 'kp535gve3x777'); // where kp535gve3x777 is the ID of a subscriber who did open the campaign
$response2 = $endpointCampaignsTracking->trackOpening('sc942mcoca07b', 'mj6265yj13b90'); // where mj6265yj13b90 is the ID of a subscriber who did not open the campaign

echo '<hr /><pre>';
echo '</pre>';

It returned the following result where there is no difference between two responses.

<hr /><pre>EmsApi\Params Object
[_data:EmsApi\Params:private] => Array
[status] => success
[data] => Array
[_readOnly:EmsApi\Params:private] =>
EmsApi\Params Object
[_data:EmsApi\Params:private] => Array
[status] => success
[data] => Array
[_readOnly:EmsApi\Params:private] =>

So does anyone know how this API works? Does anyone know how to get all the campaigns that were opened by a person?

Thank you