Thanks for appreciations Guys..
i would like to tell you that we have almost completely modified Mailwizz (almost 80%) and there is no come back left for me to upgrade the core mailwizz. what i do is follow the recent development in official Mailwizz and then custom code with my developers to match with my code.
I have also added 50+ Feature which is not available in in official mailwizz.
Feature that i added :
1. Dynamic List Include/Exclude(fancy List include /exclude feature)
2. Multi list include/exclude
3. CCT tags now work on all Position including Subject Line and From Name
4. advance List Range Feature like ( like 1000-4000 so only subscriber with stack position 1000-4000 will get included) RANDUM feature is turned off
5. Campaign Slicing over Days and Hours(example : you can schedule a campaign to 1 Million subscribers for 22 hrs then it will be equally distribute over 22 Hrs with accuracy of 1 min. it means that 1000000/22x60= 757. then 757 email will be released per minute from the system for a particular campaign)
6. List Import is now very Interactive (after import it tells how many records are updated, added,blacklisted). :List import is highly speedy. admin can deploy as many as server to processe list import as fast as possible. you just need to add a server to my cloud and add my script to this server . it takes less than 2 min for me to add a new server to increase list import.
7. customer has setting to override update records or not while import
8. List unsubscribe via email and app both and admin can choose what to apply .
9. Delivery Server Group facility added
10. Virtual MTA Facility
11 Custom Tracking link, unsubscribe link, CDN link to all delivery servers
12. Tracking link, unsubscribe link, CDN Rotation
13. Multiple delivery server group on a customer group.
14. customer can choose single or multiple delivery server group while campaign setup.
15. Campaign filter dashboard on over 120+ Parameters.
16. admin campaign filter on 150+ parameters
17. for All New added subscriber to entire my system will get 2 campaigns from a
list clean servers and ips (even return path/CDN/Trackign etc all are changed) before it is confirmed as a safe subscriber for my system, so now No list clean service is needed for me and customer is very happy about it).
18. Inbox texting/SMTP testing facility for admin
19. IP reputation Tracker
20. Admin suppression list (if a subscriber is added to this list the this subscriber will not get any email from any of your customer)
21 campaign stats refresh via AJAX on campaign filter and list
22. Ad agency Feature on campaign(customer can now add/create ad agency then add a filter campaign on this field as well)
23. Custom list field value on EMAIL/campaign Sent
24. force subscribe from all list as a setting from admin dashboard.
25. custom X-Mailer Value for each customer if required.
26. custom Bulk precedence header for each customer.(yes or no)
27 Import Blacklist check setting and then option to (Allow import, allow but mark blacklist, reject blacklist).
28. Mailer Size in Kb setting for customer group( if a mailer size goes beyond specified level then system will count is as 2 credit for 1 mail sent, more in details if you specified that 100kb =1 Mail credit the if customer sends 100 emails with 235Kb mailer size then system will count it as 300 Mail credit)
29. ISP setting on customer group( you can now allow customer to send emails on ISP you allow from backend, like you can now allow GMAIL but discard all other, or allow GMAIL+YAHOO and discard all then all emails and so on.. no need to this at MTA level).
30. We have a separate CDN server for email images.
31. Image name and HASH change for every 100 email sent and keep all new images for almost 6 Months then auto delete all images.
32. Dedicated Open Tracking Sever
33. dedicated click tracking server (most important)
34. dedicated list clean server
35. dedicated unsubscribe /report tracking server.
36. Dedicated Test Template Server with High Priority Queue.
37. Test list setting ( customer can now create a list Type testing).
38. sample email on campaign start and campaign ends.
39. SMS on campaign start and campaign end
40. campaign report Export with 80+ columns(both from admin and customer).
41. customer HTML code which support all TAGS on HTML email template header(footer is already in official mailwizz)
42. if Credit expire or less then campaign total subscriber then campaign will go for only vaild (paid ) credit subscribers.
and list goes on many more....
i too much i have changed and feature i added.
IN Pipe Line :
Predefined Auto List Segment and Filter
1. On Date added
2. On last 1/3/5/10//20 campaigns open
3. On last 1/3/5/10//20 campaigns click
4. On Segment by Open Month (JAN,Feb)
5. On Segment by Click month(JAN, Feb)
Better GRAPHS reporting
Performance :
1. Tested with more than 60millon emails
in one list (No Dashboard hangup, if you add more than 3M subscriber then dashbaord wont load).
2. Tested with 6-8 million email per Hr with no issue. i can now scale it any limit (any limit means any limit ) with no problem just need to add few more processing servers. Processing server requires just default CENT OS and my 1 Script File and 1 database entry in my cloud. and it automatically added to my cloud AND starts processing mails)
3. 30 Million emails import to
1 list in just 10 Hrs.( if you have multiple list then time can be much less).
1. Works with PHP version 5.4+ and i am using PHP 7 with NGINX, MYSQL 5.6
2. Only works and Suits if you have PMTA or any such MTA.
Infrastructure that i Use for MailWizz
1. 80 CORE CPU with 265 GB DDR3 RAM and 128GB*12 SSD for application server(NO VPS, we need to modity some system file for better performance)
2. 8 CORE CPU with 32 GB DDR2 for open Tracking server
3. 8 CORE CPU with 32 GB DDR2 for click Tracking server
4. 8 CORE CPU with 32 GB DDR2 for Unsubscribe Tracking server via application
5. 8 CORE CPU with 32 GB DDR2 for Unsubscribe Tracking server via Mail
6. 80 CORE CPU with 1 TB RAM for MASTER mysql server 16*128GB SSD
7. 80 CORE CPU with 256 GB RAM slave-1 mysql server 16*128GB SSD
8. 80 CORE CPU with 256 GB RAM slave-2 mysql server 16*128GB SSD
10. ANYCAST DNS server is on cloud (like Route 53 or any other ).
11 . 10 QTY of Mail Processing servers centos 6.7 with my 2000 Line script (NO virtualisation)
12. i have 6000+ IPV4 and 6M of IPv6 (/64) as big as google have for IPv6 Block i.e /32 of Ipv6
13. PMTA Licence or any other way to run PMTA.
14 I have developed my own PMTA config Generator which generates PMTA config in just 1-2 Min of work.
15 . Dedicated MTA for Dedicated ISP (for GMAIL/YAHOO/HOTMAIL/OTHERS) we use rerouting feature for this.
16. 2 Nos of 8core 16GB DDR2 RAM dedicated server for
Application zip Backup with 12 TB Space on each server. Automatic backup every day.
FYI: I have my own DATACenter in India with 100 Servers
NOTE : Number of IP dont play much role. i have sent 30-40K email per hr per IP for Gmail with no issue. For GMAIL Inboxing you need to maintain all 8 reputation if any one goes down then forget InBoxing, if you still continue to send with low Inbox RATE then forget your domain for almost 1 year+. you will never be able to sent in INBOX for almost 1 year or even more with that domain.
1. IP
2. returnpath
4. message ID
5. CDN/Tracking
7. SMTP Source HOST
8. Daily Abuse report SPAM count
MY Passion is Email IN-BOXING especially for GMAIL and due to God Grace i am doing Good.
Thanks to @twisted1919 for Providing Such a wonderful application i just further added more bricks and more concepts on current setup to suit my requirement
My Application Screens are attached
![upload_2017-2-22_16-26-41.png upload_2017-2-22_16-26-41.png](
![upload_2017-2-22_16-9-49.png upload_2017-2-22_16-9-49.png](