AMP emails


New Member
Hey guys. I was wondering if Mailwizz supports AMP emails, I was trying to send a test with an AMP template but it doesn't show me the preview and the test didn't work properly, I'm thinking of implementing AMP in my newsletter so this is important to my future plans. I appreciate any information regarding this. Thanks.
@twisted1919 So I imported a template from Stripo and it still doesn't show me anything in my Mailwizz editor, and the test doesn't work. Here is the template I used. Is there any problem? Do I need to do anything else? I added my Stripo ID and Key, the template has a regular HTML and an AMPHTML part, this is new to me, so I'm not sure if I missed something


You need to still use the Stripo builder on MailWizz's side as well, is that the case, can you please confirm?
Yes, I did it, and I sent a test, and it just shows the regular HTML; as you can see in the screenshot attached, it's showing the "Thanks for your opinion!" and "Error!" without clicking the button and I can't click on any of the numbers to rate it. It's reading the HTML, but not the interaction buttons


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    Captura de pantalla 2024-01-25 134950.png
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@Carlosat - we did some tests today and the only tag missing seems to be the one in the head section which signals the email is amp compatible.
So, can you please create a file called init-custom.php in the /apps/ folder and put this in it:
    hooks()->addFilter('console_command_send_campaigns_after_prepare_email', function($emailParams) {
        $emailParams['body'] = str_replace('<html ', '<html ⚡4email data-css-strict ', $emailParams['body']);
        return $emailParams;
Then send a campaign and see if that does the trick? It has to be a campaign, not a test email.

And just a FYI, you did opt-in and got approved for amp emails with Google, right? Otherwise this won't work.
@twisted1919 ok, here is the thing. I'm about to apply to be approved by Google to send AMP emails; one requirement is actually to send a real production email to them so they can check out our content. Can I do that with you guys? Cause if you say it won't work if I'm not approved, how can I be approved without sending that email?
That's tricky, we don't have AMP access either, so hard to tell.
I don't have other recommendation than to send them the email with the fix I have provided and see where that goes.