Accidentally "Paused" campaign "Mark as Sent"

June 06, 2023

Dear Support,

A running campaign was "Paused" for some deliverability issue. Then I accidentally marked the campaign as "Mark As Sent" instead of "Un-pause".
The campaign was having 1.9 million subscriber and it has completed 55%. I do not want to send duplicate emails by re-sending the campaign.
How do I Re-start the campaign from where it was paused.
A running campaign was "Paused" for some deliverability issue. Then I accidentally marked the campaign as "Mark As Sent" instead of "Un-pause".
The campaign was having 1.9 million subscriber and it has completed 55%. I do not want to send duplicate emails by re-sending the campaign.
How do I Re-start the campaign from where it was paused.
To make this campaign to send again you need modify the status in the database for that campaign, in table "campaign" search for your campaign use "ID" number gird to find it in database and change status from "sent" to "pending-sending".