about Import subscribers


New Member
i upload subscribers in my list. when i Close the Network。 the web show that Error aborting the import process。when i Connect Network 。is not countine the work ,it only show Error aborting the import process
what wrong?
can u fix the bug?
Which network? Your network, your servers network or just browsing away from the import page? Please be more specific. It isn't a bug its what you are doing I guarantee you. The import feature works fine used in the right way.
@Teebox - You have the same problem because, most likely, you have set a hige number of subscribers at once in import settings and your server can't cope with it, therefore it dies miserably with above error ;) Lower down that number and you'll see how everything gets back on track.
@Ron - This is a simple one, it is triggered by PHP's UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR error. What it means, is that the folder that is set as a temporary folder, usually the /tmp folder, is not writable by everyone, again, another server misconfiguration.
You can find technical details about this error here: http://php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php so that you can forward proper info to your host ;)
where does the tmp folder reside in the mailwizz application ..Imports was working earlier but stopped after the CDBconnection problem...

It's a situation where everything was working fine but now with an unknown reason..errors come up..!
It's not the /tmp folder in mailwizz app, there's no such thing. It's about the tmp folder of your PHP instance.
Go to Backend -> Misc -> PHP Info and search in page after upload_tmp_dir. If it has no value, then it means it will fallback on /tmp folder.

This just crossed my mind, you said you fixed your DB problem by connecting directly to an ip address because the sock file was not created. This indicates a serious file system issue on that server. Now PHP complaints about not being able to write in temporary folder, which is again a filesystem problem.
Doesn't this raise any questions about your hosting?
It does raise questions about the hosting problem however I have few more complex sites hosted on this box and shifting to another server would be a daunting tasks altogether and much time consuming...so will need time to take a decision
Now PHpinfo says novalue for upload_tmp_dir - I am sure you understand my situation ;)
It does raise questions about the hosting problem however I have few more complex sites hosted on this box and shifting to another server would be a daunting tasks altogether and much time consuming
Don't move all, have your hosting look into it and if they can't help, just move mailwizz on a separate box. Get a unmanaged linode/droplet and do your thing, this really shouldn't be that painful ;)
Will see into this..

Btw.. the status bar on the browser shows 100% upload and after that the error 500 page appears with the message

Missing the temporary folder to store the uploaded file

Is there any particular path defined??
Again.. the hosts replies..there's no problem with the server...

They were smart to ask me to create our own php.ini file and define the upload temp path which I did and the import works like charm :)
Hi @twisted1919
Greetings for the day!
We are using mailwizz and its hosted on a Cloud Hosting server of 6GB RAM | 6 CPU Cores with unlimited ssd disk space and bandwidth
one of our customers are trying to upload a list size of 27000 contacts but get an error
We increased the size to 40k with filesize of 20 MB from backend but we get an error of error, abort importing process

What should be the ideal settings for import of lists?Size and numbers?Is there a way we can keep it at 30k,IF YES, whats to be done to avoid not cause inconvenience to clients?


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What should be the ideal settings for import of lists?Size and numbers?Is there a way we can keep it at 30k,IF YES, whats to be done to avoid not cause inconvenience to clients?
For big lists please use cli import. Enable this option from Backend > Settings > import/export > CLI import enabled and add cron job, to se what cron job to add press on info button.
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