404 page on trying to save edited template

Dennis - AU

New Member
Just getting back into the swing of things after the Christmas break, updated Mailwizz to current version 6.1.9 earlier in month and all appeared well and campaigns being sent as they should be.
However when trying to save an edited template I get a 404 page, this happens for both existing templates and new. Furthermore the same happens in Campaigns having selected/edited a template and clicking "Save & Next" to go to "Confirmation" again the 404 page appears.
I cannot see anything in the Application logs in the Backend.
The application is running on Cloud Linux server, PHP 7.2.14, Maria DB10.2.21
Help/suggestions would be appreciated
Just getting back into the swing of things after the Christmas break, updated Mailwizz to current version 6.1.9 earlier in month and all appeared well and campaigns being sent as they should be.
However when trying to save an edited template I get a 404 page, this happens for both existing templates and new. Furthermore the same happens in Campaigns having selected/edited a template and clicking "Save & Next" to go to "Confirmation" again the 404 page appears.
I cannot see anything in the Application logs in the Backend.
The application is running on Cloud Linux server, PHP 7.2.14, Maria DB10.2.21
Help/suggestions would be appreciated
Could be a permissions issue from when you updated, so fix all permissions, and then test again.
Have re-checked chmod permissions re chmod per https://kb.mailwizz.com/articles/folders-writable-web-server/ , and also reset htaccess but still the same results. Mailwizz is installed within its own folder; Wordpress 4.9.9 also on the domain within its own folder no problems within that.
At this stage I cannot see anything useful in the MailWizz logs.
Further help required please.
Please check what you find in the server logs (apache/nginx). Depending on your server setup and config you might also find error logs in the related directory (see where you stand when the error appears).
Thanks for your help so far!
Yep found the logs and went through a specific exercise to produce the attached log the IP stating with 58 (not the real one) is me and 000 is the domain IP. Are lines 53, 135 where status code 301 given, similarly line 65 showing 404 and lines 16, 24, 28, 77, 115, 123 showing 302 of interest?
I basically logged into MW, went to templates, tried to edit one and then save changes. Was thrown out to login page, went in again tried to edit again and save changes this time sent to 404
Then went to Campaigns, selected a test one went through Details & Setup screens saving as I went although no changes made, got to template tried to edit and save changes and rec'd 404.

I see that a new version just been released - is it worth going through the update process to see if that will cure?
Thanks again


Thanks for your help so far!
Yep found the logs and went through a specific exercise to produce the attached log the IP stating with 58 (not the real one) is me and 000 is the domain IP. Are lines 53, 135 where status code 301 given, similarly line 65 showing 404 and lines 16, 24, 28, 77, 115, 123 showing 302 of interest?
I basically logged into MW, went to templates, tried to edit one and then save changes. Was thrown out to login page, went in again tried to edit again and save changes this time sent to 404
Then went to Campaigns, selected a test one went through Details & Setup screens saving as I went although no changes made, got to template tried to edit and save changes and rec'd 404.

I see that a new version just been released - is it worth going through the update process to see if that will cure?
Thanks again

Without access, this is harder to assess and fix.

Re the error codes
# 404 is only once there when calling the template update cannot be found/accessed, I wonder if it is not there or has not been created or is denied (the other 404 is a denial for a bot, so that means the wanted protection is working)
# 301/302 seem to come when some access is denied, try another browser, maybe some cookie/csrf_token is not accepted/handled (take FF64 and extension Cookie Quick Manager to see if the csrf is sticky)

If it is your own server, then twisted's advice re mod security is easy to implement, just switch mode_sec off. If not, then a way around might be needed, or go get your own vps/dedi (see thread on hosts).

Your idea to update is a way, but I would actually do first a backup of the mwz directory (incl main-custom.php), then overwrite with fresh files of the current version (except install directory) and then put the main-custom.php back into place, then try again, and then update anyway.
Also, empty caches; check the php version on the server and for the mwz directory and displayed in mwz are the same, ideally 7.2; and reset the clean url/htaccess twice back and forth (til you have seen htaccess is newly written and saved; may need insertion of index.php like so /backend/index.php/... for each url if u get nothing).
Thank you both! All is now sweet :)
It was mod_security - now switched off for the domain until I have time to go through the whitelist etc.