

New Member
Hey I have an issue I need help with ASAP.
Getting a Refused to Connect error when I click the links from campaigns sent.
the links work fine when I am testing the email template itself...

anyone have the fix?? Or know why it is happening in the first place?

Id appreciate your help
Oh my gosh! It said blah blah blah

I clicked “regenerate URLs” and it looks like they’ve updated to my correct domain.

I’ve set up a few licenses of MW and have never had this issue! Do you happen to have an idea why this happens?

thank you
Oh my gosh! It said blah blah blah
I assumed that much ;)

Do you happen to have an idea why this happens?
Yes, this generally happens when you install the app and you use an IP address or hostname other than the one where the app resides now, for example, if you installed the app on your local computer then migrated it live hon another server.

You always need to sync the urls after you move the application ;)