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    Payment gateway of my country!

    hello again... where is calculated the discount of cupon codes? (order->total - coupon->discount) ?
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    hello! i am having a issue when promo code are applied! for example without promo code the $order->total come with this format 10.0000 (10 dolars) but when i apply a promo code with 5.0000 (5 dolars) the $order->total comes with 5 and not with 5.0000 (10 - 5) my gateway of payment just accept...
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    /customer/index.php/payment-gateways/paypal/ipn this is the return url from paypal? which file i can modify this? i search for ipn.php but without sucess i need to modify it to change the order status when the payment is finished!
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    ok i will try and some questions i back here! thanks!
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    my idea is open a page or a popup when customer click on submit with my transaction screen and when transaction ok modify the order to complete.
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    oh ok understood but talking about the offline payment extension, on which file i have to modify to open a new screen(or popup) with my new code when the user click on submit on order page? and which variavel i can get the transaction id and customer email? thanks
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    how i can aprovate a order, change customer group and renew a email quota of customer using a PHP-SDK? with this i can create this integration
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    yeah but i dont understand any of your code... i have to study your framework? which ?
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    Payment gateway of my country!

    Hello! how i can integrate with a gateway payment of my country? any extension to redirect to an especific page and return to an address to confirm the payment? some example? thanks!