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  1. jorvidu

    Weird behaviour in AR campaigns

    This is a little bit strange. I have a list with 5 persons that link to an AR sequence of 25 emails. Everything seems to run smoothly as mails are programmreds to be sent every other day. Suddenly, in the 3rd day of the AR campaigns, changes from 5(100%) to 4(100%), but list is still 5...
  2. jorvidu

    Urls are too long for spam filters

    Just checking as usual my deliverability and surprised to find that the internal links created from mailwizz are considered "probably spam" as they are longer than 120 characters. I've checked them, sure, there is a very long string of characters...
  3. jorvidu

    Text size in Mobile and Non HTML version

    A little bit confused with the editor, not sure which version is prevails when I go to source code and add the Styles for the text size when opened in mobile. If I have the blocks already done, I go to source, add the STYLE and come back, which version is prevailing? Also, the non HTML version...
  4. jorvidu

    Weird numbers in campaigns and list

    Just recorded a very short video about the weird numbers appearing... Cleaned cache and reload and so on... May anybody have a look at this one? Thanks!
  5. jorvidu

    Template Builder confussion

    Working on blank templates, I find that there ie different code in the same email depending if I'm on Builder or Plain HTML when creating a campaign,. The "Toggle template builder" plays funny I guess. So, if I have different emails in one or other area, which one is sent? Any chance to fix...
  6. jorvidu

    Question about Send Groups

    I use to do a mailing every week so I have created a Send Group because I'm sending the same email to multiple lists. So I create the Send Group, build the first campaign, and choose this sending group and SEND. Then I copy the just sent campaign and change the list, and SEND So this way I know...
  7. jorvidu


    Question 1: I use special tag [UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK] to get the text and the link for that option, but when I try to use [FORWARD_FRIEND_URL] I only get the URL but not the link, Tried to add it to an HREF but it's ignoring me... How do I use [FORWARD_FRIEND_URL] attaching it to an href? Question...
  8. jorvidu

    Regarding Subscribe Form

    Have been using the forms for new subscribers, not sure if this line of code: <input type="text" name="09863b3f5acb5d118d882d238d3051c07c699705" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="09863b3f5acb5d118d882d238d3051c07c699705" value="" /> is necessary, or what's the point of it. I feel is not doing...
  9. jorvidu

    Linking Warrior+ with MailWizz

    When you set up a product in W+ it's offering API connection to most of the popular autoresponder. I used before GR, and now switching to MailWizz. Unfortunately, MW is not in the list, but W+ is offering "Custom Post" opotion. Wonder if there's any chance to link this services. Thanks!
  10. jorvidu

    Regarding CRON Jobs

    I've setup the CRON jobs in my Plesk, I can manually execute them but in the backend nothing seems to be happening, no log for that Cron's at all... What am I missing? Thanks!
  11. jorvidu

    Initial configuration problems

    Hi, just installed the service on my server. 2 issues so far.. FIRST Creating Delivery Server, I set the data as I do on my email client, server, user, pass, but ehwn doing verification: Cannot send the confirmation email using the data you provided. Here is a transcript of the error...