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  1. bella

    Generation dkim

    This is great! How can I generate DKIM keys in my mailwizz for my emails
  2. bella

    Why Mailwizz does not connect any server?

    I will reinstall mailwizz again and start over again so I can see if the issue gets sorted.
  3. bella

    Why Mailwizz does not connect any server?

    Guys how can I confirm that my mailwizz is settled up correctly? I installed with wind mind and is all ok. The only issue is when connecting any SMTP server (localhost, office365, SendGrid..) no one is connecting. It can be an internal issue.
  4. bella

    Why Mailwizz does not connect any server?

    Maill wizz is not even connecting with SendGrid. I believe it might be something wrong with mailwizz
  5. bella

    Why Mailwizz does not connect any server?

    This is so bad! i have two business office365 mails destined to be used with mailwizz. I am new with mailwizz, I just bought it and settled on the digital ocean VPS server. I can see also that mailwizz is not even connecting with PHP local hoster? How can I make mailwizz work properly them...
  6. bella

    Why Mailwizz does not connect any server?

    I just set mailwizz in my VPS server with Virtualmin and all in green. However, when I will register my office365 email or trying to verify PHP SMTP server to test email does not connect and give an error. Here is a transcript of the error message: Connection could not be established with...